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Mmm, wow: Maalox Rolaids Pepto cocktail time!
James Frey apparently just told the Gawker staff that I was "the worst" because I MAKE THINGS UP. That is particularly choice. Also, untrue!
So, that was the last media company that was still giving me money. Thanks for the fun, Sam Zell. See you on the corner with the squeegee.
The cat at the vet looks just like I do at an airport. Tho he swears less. +! I don't get pee on me from urine sample. Also: flying=cheaper.
"It may look to the untrained eye I'm sitting on my ass all day."
Finally found the gayest place in the world to have lunch: the cafe at Bergdorf Men's.
@joeljohnson Corporate blogging still sucks. It's SO 2003 up in this Internet--but now with $25 mil fundraising rounds! History will laugh.
Maer would never let me write about Jonah Goldberg at Radar; he's friends with his mom. Jonah Goldberg is stupid and dumb! And evil!
Does anyone need two thoughtful, attentive, adorable, gift-bringing houseguests in Miami? DO HAZ SEASONAL AFFECTIVE PROBLEM ONSET.
And I dream-thought: Emily is going to piss herself laughing when she reads this on my Twitter. And now I am awake.
Dream: I was on Castro St. A rather slack kid was staring at the theatre. He said: "What is 'Superman'?"
Ed Koch wears white socks with his suits. Also naps at will. File under AWKWARD GREEN ROOM MOMENTS.
In MSNBC green room, prepping for 90 seconds of Britney bday celebration. Am like @anamariecox but less pretty/smart/substantial!
Wow, I showered and it's still daylight even! Maybe I have been depressed. Maybe I am a cliched unemployed man. Maybe I need a Wii now.
@sashafrerejones "Erryone" is at home, preparing to watch "BRITNEY: UNLEASHED (BUT NOT REALLY)."
Yay, it's the first morning of icy frozen hail-sleet! Everyone outside right now! Whee!
Met a hilarious girl on 3rd floor of ABC Carpet last night. Me: "Where do you work?" Her: "Uh, hmm, I don't work." Me: "OMG me too now!"
Number of cars street-parked in the East village in last 24 hours with newly smashed windows: 3.
Mom's gone home. Now I'm bored! Resisting the urge to buy an xbox. Instead, maybe transforming the office into a painting studio? Dunno why!
Craft Thanksgiving: three starters, half a turkey, one giant steak, six sides, five deserts. All crammed into 2.5 hours. Nearly killed me.