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just discovered my +=?/ are also gone >.<
handicapped by the dysfunctioned GHKY/6 keys...sigh
failed to keep myself away from the money-sucking app the apps bought tho!
saw and touched some dream cameras of mine, my heart beats so fast I couldn't breath
painter on the balcony again...yelling on his phone
@liquidx it also says email to rsvp ar
@liquidx definitely!!! need to rsvp wor
I can't believe my luck. there were ppl farting near me on both my tube trip to and from heathrow. what has this city become?
on my way to heathrow, tube so packed for 1pm. glad I have a seat!
was running so fast in my dream it woke me up at 730am
laughing my ass off on boing boing tv's video on stormtropping akihabara
michael Jackson and Arnold schwarzenegger were on my sides when i played the wii rhythm game. they looked at me approvingly.
according to the wii fit menu I'm taller than the average uk adult female!
just got wii fit for £69.99! unbelievably cheap and available
accident in shadwell. motorcyclist on ground kind-hearted passerbys rushed to help. only a few of us on DLR took notice.
@glyn_e your iphoneography site rocks!
just played with the SteadyCam app, not much difference without it
mom used to say u'll get taller when u have a fever. didn't happen to me yesterday


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