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Drinking my *$ and my sinus meds seem to be working as well. Should be loopy for the next hour or so. Now's the time to ask me for money!
Listening to the Andrew Sisters while watching MTV. It's strange but it almost fits.
I made it to 11:52 before I fell asleep. So close! Hope everyone had a fun and safe New Year's celebration.
Time for a little Jamesons this New Year's eve. I will be asleep in less than an hour I predict. Happy 2009!
@craxy I was sporting long johns under my suit. Now that I'm home at my apt, no more suit! (apologies to my roommates)
You're So Vain: "...and all the girls dreamed they'd be you partner, they'd be your partner." Dance Partner? Law partner? Howdy Partner?
I crawled into work this morning. Can't say I feel 100% but could not stand my apartment anymore.
Washington Capitals are victorious over the Buffalo Sabers. Yeah hockey!
Went into Target to get cough drops. Somehow I walked out w/ a coffee maker, tea kettle, two cans of soup and crackers. I forgot something.
On my way to the doctor. I have not been in a couple of years. Hope they don't yell at me.
Getting ready for bed before 9 p.m. So sick of this cold/flu nonsense. Must sleep it off even if it takes all day tomorrow!
On the way home from Portland, ME. About to leave MA and get on I84 into CT. Fun!
Mother grabs Macbook: "I want to play sudoku on your laptop." Annoyed tone, "I don't know what happened, it shut itself down." Help me Lord.
head cold still bothering me. Nagging mother not helping.
Happy Christmas folks. It's freakin' freezing here in Maine.
Just landed in Portland, ME. The pilot apologized for missing the runway the frist time. Uh, keep that shit to youself, man!
On my third Beater (aka Stella Artois) at the airport waiting for my flight. Might need paddles to wake up when I get there.
@donreisinger I was never any good at these questions in high school! Is your package on Train A? And where the Hell is Train B coming from?


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