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if you use Twitter seriously then you need TweetDeck. it's like NASA mission control for your life.
Video games are one of the few sectors that prosper in a recession. Front page of FT today:
faces of kids playing video games. who says they can't concentrate! (thanks @photogirluk)
this looks fun. make old school flipbooks from your web videos:
"End of Venture Capital As We Know It" if you're launching a startup now don't build for a VC round. Stay lean and mean.
watching FIFA 09 youtube tutorials so I can beat @tewy
Finishing dinner with GNZ and @tomboardman. About to head to @paulcarr party at Crown and Two Chairman
@Wehtam thanks to @benburry and @jeyb, Perplex City 2 card answers can be found here: http://s2w2.perplexcitycard...
@photogirluk excellent. i was wondering why our average order size had just jumped up!
hoping @paulcarr has a birthday drink tonight for every one of the new followers he has racked up in the last 24 hours.
@hideyourarms sure thing: "How T-Shirts Keep Online Content Free"
Reading article in Wired on T-shirts inspired by websites. booming. Cafepress made $20m profit from $100m rev last year
@epredator lol. or even the Screwball Scoble Scramble! prizes for first to photograph him holding a copy of today's newspaper
@Scobleizer let's make a game out of your London visit. send out random tweets with your location and we can try and hunt you down...
impressed with seems like a great place to find design talent
this might just be me but do you store up your killer tweets for work hours when everyone is online (this isn't one btw!)
RT @paulcarr: "The Twelve People You (Should) Follow On Twitter:"
@techfluffTV Q to Simon Woodroffe - are you having a party on your boat this Xmas, and if so, can I come!
@pascalw no, haven't come across him. although @eliottkimber doesn't seem to exist!
anyone know any red hot web designers? we're hiring for Moshi Monsters:


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams danah boyd Xeni Jardin Matt Jones Dave McClure Nick Douglas Tara missrogue Hunt Kathy Johnson Scott Beale Nabeel Hyatt Jason Calacanis Christine Herron Sumon Michael Jason Fields Justine Andrew Parker Simon Batistoni Mark Frauenfelder Alicia Bre Pettis Yoz Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Bobbie Johnson Will Head Richard Moross Robert Scoble Mike Butcher Mel Kirk Ryan Carson sizemore Denise Wilton Neil McIntosh
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