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Why do they give us so much work as the holiday approaches? I can't seem to keep up with everything. Too much homework.
@suziqb77 - Like anything bad could come of it... I was just thinking I could make things better by stopping what we did before it happened.
I wish there was some way to make this all better. To go back and change things... Wouldn't that be cool if wishes could really be granted?
I'm starting to think that @CordyChase may never forgive me... A whole week with her back at school without so much as hint of it.
@misterperturbed - I have no idea what you are talking about.
@piratescribe - Yeah... it was odd... always felt like something was going to happen... and then Poof, nothing happened.
The weekend is nearly here... I guess it is possible for our group to have an uneventful week, devoid of demons of any kind... Who knew?
I hope Giles finds some demon or problem or something we need to deal with soon to break up all this free time for self-reflection.
Is it sad that Iam so bored that I'm actually going to bed this early?
@suziqb77 - Nutterbutters = YES, Chocolate = YES... Nutterbutters + Chocolate = HELLYES, OHGODPLEASEPLEASEPLEASE!!!
I guess that means another night of country music and comfort food (chocolate).
I wish something would happen this week to take my mind of what I did to @CordyChase... She is still not speaking to me. *sigh*
I've never seen anything as beautiful as this blood and torture machine The Master has built for us. Nothing can stop us now.
I think I'm gonna cry... this moment is beautiful. The Master is a genius.
Oooh.... I wonder if he will let us actually bathe in the blood... That would so be cool... @Willow_R covered in human blood... yummy.
I'm all giddy... The Master has them loading the cages... Soon it will be show time and the bloodbath can begin.
Soon, the others should arrive with the cattle. Can't wait for this to go into action... going to be "bloody brilliant" as Spike would say.
The Master has the plant nearly ready to go. Going to be a new day for us all... I'm heading over there right now to help with the set up.
Have some errands to run for the Master and then it will be off to set things up at the factory for the big unveiling.
I'm getting itchy... Soon it will be dark and we can start gathering for the Master's big show... I'm getting all giddy.


Jay Heather Tollison Ashley bob Bill Humphries giovanni Kathleen Vanessa Stacy Aquarion Michael Newman bayle jes Grant Neufeld Darth Vader chaddq Yoda The Emperor Anna @-_-@ Princess Leia { jlr } Jonas Wisser Chewbacca Han Solo Darth Sidious r2d2 Faceless Man g-unit Indiana Jones Lisa McKay DeV C3PO Paul Michelle Snow Luma Kate
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