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I met the cutest girl tonight PLUS I had a great time hanging with my friends. Time for bed. Til tomorrow.
[GW Update] LGBT and the militray: your thoughts
[GW Update] Radio Interview with Lesbian Author Cheril N. Clarke
Interview in 30 minutes. I need to make coffee and tidy up my office a bit. It makes me feel more in control. Not sure why.
And then, when I did MySpace marketing, dear lord. Those clients were almost as bad as my Craigslist marketing clients.
@charlesharper That's one reason. The other: Clients interested in Craigslist marketing want you to work for damn near free. Foolishness!
* Pollution Giving Men Smaller Penis Size - And I Give a Crap, Why?
@Kidscash It's dirty business. If your product is all that, there's no need to cheat and have your competitor removed.
@dcrblogs Exactly. I stopped dealing with eBay years ago. I sold ad space there, but started email marketing to my client list instead.
@charlesharper They're flagging anything they're paid to flag, claiming it's SPAM or offensive. CL doesn't check, they just delete the ad.
@RetroHeather Thanks for the warm socks!
@dcrblogs And that's what your competitors wanted. I used to do Craigslist marketing for companies. Those flaggers are paid to flag posts.
@dcrblogs Yes it did. Companies/individuals collectively reporting their competitors cuz they can't stand the competition. Losers.
@TheFemGeek I'm about 90 minutes from Chicago. On the WI/IL border.
@Kidscash I see Twitter becoming a new Craigslist - full of people reporting "Spammers" who are really competitors they want to get rid of.
@TheFemGeek You're in Chicago? Howdy neighbor (sorta).
@Kidscash Twitter allows advertising, but there are certain things you can't do - which I see lots of people do without getting reported.
@TheFemGeek From what I've seen, anime porn seems to really push those self-imposed limits.
Win a Fag Bug tshirt to wear to your next company holiday party! HA! Contest closes tomorrow at 11:59pm central.


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