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Scheduling an action day (see for Monday 12/22/08. RSVP to attend at http://actionday.eventbrite... .
U know a writer on book deadline? Don't ask How's it coming? Ppl ask 100x/day! If they're out talking, they want a break
RT Share your opinion of the tip I wrote today for the book? What do you think? Too short? Long? Is it clear enough?
Book tip/chapter posted. What do you think? Too short? Long? Is it clear enough?
Thanks to everyone who responded to my query about in-person vs. electronic communication. I'm all set, now.
Help! Need examples re: in-person vs. electronic communication. When should you do it in person versus online? Post to
Watching Heroes season 2. I agree w/ ppl who said writing went downhill. On episode 5. Char devo & dialog are spotty.
Craving pizza. All nearby pizza places closed except Domino's (don't like Domino's). Ate 2 pcs black licorice instead. Possible mistake. :-)
Took all day to create Christmas gift. Hope recipient loves it! in any event, am now friends with dozen shopkeepers that all helped.
I work so hard creating personalized, emotionally-meaningful gifts. Takes lotsa time. Easier to buy a trinket and be done with it.
Help, Twitter friends! What app do I use to scan in photos on Mac OS X? iPhoto doesn't seem to have a SCAN menu item.
Running shopping errands. Procrastinating writing (can't get *everything* done at once). Pondering philosophical implicns of enlightenment.
There's so much I want to put in the book, it will never be done. I wonder if I'm writing enough for 2 volumes?
Off to really excellent Chinese food. Great day. LOVE Babson meetings. We laugh all the way through them!!
*Laugh* I actually just started a sentence with the phrase, "To the extent that compensation is linked to performance..." What'm I smoking?
'Milk'. Great film. Sean Penn just may be, in my humble opinion, one of the greatest living actors. His Harvey Milk was astonishingly good.
Want 2 join friends for movie. Must write, though. Told them: "if I finish 5 pages, I'll join you." Got five GOOD pages done n 90 mins! WOW!
This will be oddest pers productivity book ever. Just finished tip on increasing intimacy quickly while networking.
Track getitdoneguy
Just finished Heroes season 1. Stupid heroes. When villian is down, decapitate and cremate immediately. Always. Yet they never do it


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