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@xander we should plan some fun stuff over break! I know, it's only two weeks, but still, no school!
Also, I've not been sleeping so well lately. I hate it when that happens. I need my beauty sleep!
Hey guys, sorry I've been so distracted this week! Slaying and school, slaying and school. All slay and no play makes Buffy a crankypants.
@willow_r - cookie making sounds fantastic! A good plan, along with sleeping late, getting presents and the like :)
I am so ready for school to be out! We get about two weeks off - starting next Friday! Hooray! Laziness and friends will abound!
@slayerfaith: good to see you back around. Up for slaying this weekend?
It's been so quiet this week. Not even any real excitement over @anya_jenkins - it was way different my first week!
I am so glad last night was quiet! I got home early after patrolling and did homework (shh, don't tell anyone!)
That bald nasty one? He's mine. You guys take as many of the others as you can. Don't get killed.
It's time for them to die. As soon as they do whatever celebrating they're going to do.
@ozthewolf: drive fast. and tweedy can do what he will: I need to slay.
@ozthewolf: you folks ready? Let's go.
That poor girl.
Oh this is just sick. This is just wrong. These monsters have to die. And I will be the one to do it.
On our way to the "factory' That really doesn't sound good. Plan: sneak in, slay ASAP, kill master, leave.
Oh, and said vampire? Claims to have a *soul*. Yeah, whatever. I'll use him then stake him. No problem.
Oh, fuck this. This VAMPIRE wants me to trust him to show me where this master is? And how does he know who I am? Yeah, he'll die later.
@ozthewolf: I assume you guys are coming too - I know you can do some slaying, and while I don't need backup, more people might be ok.
Either way, I'm going to take this guy out. Collect some weapons and I'm off - they directed me to his supposed lair.
@kaylee_frye, well, that's true, but they could have called me before now. This "Harvest" happened 3 years ago. Lots of dead since.


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