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I've been listening to PWEI's Def.Con.One for a gazillion years and I never realized until today that its a Watchmen song. #duh
It is beer thirty. But I am still at work. Alas.
@allartburns you are in pittsburgh. you are used to snow. it's part of that "constant misery" thing.
It is going to snow on sunday. "sunny california" myass.
Turning the music all the way up makes me work faster. But then there are the unfortunate system alerts. BEEP OW BEEP
ten to doomsday, moving fast/heads up! mind that blast/no time to sleep, its Def.Con.One./can't get no sleep as the ticking ticks on
@fsquared excellent! The weekend after that you can come down and help me bottle cider.
@justpat TMJ. You're clenching your jaw when you sleep. Stress. I destroyed two teeth doing that.
The Coffee Roasting Company was roasting again today at the end of my run. This is what it must feel like to be raptured.
Ah yes, this wine has a certain putrescence. An aroma of hair remover, with an undertone of skulk. Some body to it, in the corpse sense.
Hmm. When you open a bottle of red wine and the cork blows out like champagne, that's a bad sign, huh.
@vardley the covers I have came with ties in the corners, but that doesn't help much either. I think its a spatial problem.
I'm a smart person. I got a good education. And yet it takes me the greater part of 40 minutes to put the duvet into the duvet cover.
@seanb_us Taking. gawd I hope no one ever has to suffer with me as a teacher.
Well, damn. I thought my writing classes had filled up, but apparently it was a web site screwup. All registered now. yay!
Dammit. Now I've forgotten what I was going to post to the dumbass forum in the first place.
Dear Firefox: yes, please do remember that dumbass forum password for me because I certainly won't.
Dear Dumbass Forum Website. You are a forum. I do not need a level-nine secure password for a forum. Get a grip.
Tornado hit my sister's place yesterday. I lose big on My Natural Disaster is Worse than Yours bingo for this month. (she is fine)


Kirsten Jones Jeffrey McManus Chris Spurgeon Andy Lester rands John Gruber Anil Dash molly Gord Fynes Jeffrey Zeldman Dori ed costello Brent Simmons Daniel Jalkut Rafe Steven Frank hotdogsladies Nathan L Chris Hanson Bill Bumgarner kristen huntley Iván Cavero Belaunde Bay Area Earthquakes christian crumlish zorca dan theurer Jason Kottke Scott Rosenberg kayo brady MacRumorsLive Paul Kedrosky Andy Ihnatko Randy Reiss Remember The Milk Jonathan Coulton
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