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@davehodg Welcome to the BBC. See also @jemimakiss's rants today :)
Why you shouldn't give your Twitter password to other sites -
@jemimakiss When I was there in the summer most developers just installed a version of Linux on their machines. Might have changed now tho'.
The more companies who work round Twitter's broken auth model by collecting passwords the less reason Twitter have to fix it.
I know that Twitter's auth requires collecting pwds. That's not an excuse to do it. It's a reason to not have that feature until they fix it
I'm told that is cool. I can't see as it asks me for my twitter password - and sane people don't do that.
I'm about six weeks behind on Spooks. Attempting to rectify that.
@rjw1 I know a lot of people dropped out of Lost during season three, but season four was a return to top form. I'm sticking with it.
Catching up on episode three of "Survivors".
Lost season 5 apparently starts on Sky1 on Jan 25th.
Signing up to StreetWire - Great to see local initiatives starting up on the web.
To anyone watching Little Dorrit. Thursday's missing ep will only be shown as part of tomorrow's omnibus -
Apparently I'm going to get home to a house full of sixth-form girls.
@iaindale Better advice is just never go to Ipswich, surely :)
@marcusramberg Well, twitter are promising OAuth support "soon". But that's not an excuse for asking people for passwords to other sites.
Just got a Boxee account. Poking around and what do I see. A page of password antipatterns - twitter, friendfeed & tumblr. Idiots.
@cowfish They just asked for a "supporter" who needed to be an employer, a colleague, or a client. Don't need an insider (yet).
Right. BCS membership application filled in online. That's stage one of my BCS infiltration plan.
Not going to the social tonight. Have boring tax things to do. Also the Bridge house is a great pub - but miles from anywhere.
Oh. Yes they have. Last month's mortgage payment was £70 less.


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