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can't wait to go home and play more of Mirrors Edge.
believes that Mirrors Edge is not for everybody, but it is definitely for him.
wonders what happened to Half-Life 2: Episode 3.
is attempting to install subversion.
is psyched that he picked up a copy of Edgar Allan Poe's complete collection.
has to wear shades when looking into the future as it's so damn bright. Wait ... that's the sun.
is still experiencing pain from crushing his wrist in his apartment door this morning. Probably something to avoid in the future.
is listening to Liberty City Radio (GTA).
will never again trust that vending machine.
wishing he knew the Thriller dance, or how to dance in general.
did his best man speech with cue cards on his iPod Touch. It was a geek wedding after all.
also managed to deliver a killer speech, which he was not expecting.
just got back from the wedding, which was awesome.
completely forgot today was the Halloween party at work!
is quite nervous about the wedding rehearsal as he has never even so much as attended a wedding.
is really excited about playing some co-op Fable 2 tonight.
just tried to open a Photoshop file in Textmate. More caffeine needed perhaps?
is interested to see how ridiculous he looks in a tuxedo.
is frustrated with the amount of times Saints Row 2 crashes during online play.
can't wait to go home and play some more Saints Row 2.


Evan Williams veen Mr Messina Dan Cederholm John Pastor Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Dan Benjamin Keith Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Zach Hale Josue Salazar Si Jobling Drew McLellan Ben Ward Derek Featherstone Stuart pixeldiva Phu Steve Marshall Indranil Dasgupta Josh Williams iconmaster Beep. Scott Raymond luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith Jake Dahn Marko Mihelcic
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