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Is in bed feeling soo exausted ;-(
Watchin some Chuck Norris' movie on Pink, and yes he's got no emotions
@godza always for u my man, blood, sweat and tears
@aurorans ubio bih za kafu sad, ne vidim na oci od nespavanja
In a bus heading to Ivanjica, hoping I ll have some sleep today
BBT S02E11 is perfect, just perfect :)
@ivanbrezakbrkan he is not the only one who is responsible for favicon :)
Can you find the brunette in this video?
je nacisto prs'o ali izdrzace do kraja... danas je slava, a ja ulazim u 20ti sat rada :(
POSLOVICA DANA "Sve dok se moj šef pravi da imam veliku platu, ja se pravim da imam puno posla"
is having more and more friend requests everyday... wierd
@aurorans Branko Uskokovic, Bele Urmashice, Bela Ujfalushi, Boze Upomoc
@aurorans nema izgovor za prijatelje... jbg ko me jebao da prihvatim posao
@aurorans pijana devojka? nije nista ruznije, nego nista lakse :D
@aurorans ono sto ja mrzim da radim, ne volim ni moji prijatelji da rade... oni su za zezanje i cheer up :)
@aurorans ma ne pitaj debil sam :( prihvatio sam neki posao koji cu uraditi malo sutra
is going to be dead tonight... Now I know where dead from deadline came from :(
Rt @Beler: Oumaigad sinisa se probudijo ;) Jos jedan teen blog je tu!