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@tbeckett oh dear. You're a Yankee?;)
Explaining to out-of-state houseguest that if it's the best BBQ in Texas then logically it's the best BBQ in the WORLD. Sheesh.
@pzriddle Oh no, not George!! She rocked that house!! Damn
Awesome. One for the history books. The Obama logo cutting room floor: (via @tdominey)
@joeschmitt As much as I would love to see Guy K. win, he can't. Because THIS guy is the biggest #douche on Twitter:
@Tracy Yes it's ginger. Also they get their sugar (no HFCS) from a small Fair Trade farm, which is awesome. (I heard the owners speak today)
Nearly blown out of my chair by Maine Root Ginger Brew. That's seriously gingery, people.
rt @TinaFey It's not Christmas with out Karen Carpenter. *swoon* (via @roomerholmes)
@bspersonal I like Tori Amos, but finally had to lie and say I didn't, just to game my station. She was making me exceed my skip limit.
@kristinab Thanks! Just listened to a bit of Anais Mitchell - reminds me of Victoria Wiliams too.
Pandora appears to be stumped by my request for a Kate Bush station. How many times can it suggest Tori Amos?
RT @SarahM Interesting data on retweets, from @danzarella: (what will retweeting this retweeting data do to his findings?)
Trying to get onto along with a million other people. Why? Because it brings COPY & PASTE TO iPHONE! Article:
My favorite tech headline, from @msnbc_tech: "Gadgets that make you look like a jerk"
@lezzymom That is unconscionable.
LOL - Squirrel Fight Club: "more like a violent Quentin Tarantino movie than a wildlife shoot" (via @caraferguson)
waiting at the Barbara Jordan terminal at AUS to meet a friend. (why isn't it Barbara Jordan Airport?)
@joebird sadly I won't be at #CalWAC. It falls on my son's 3rd bday. With you in spirit though!
Invited to a "cross-functional working group goaled to create robust,consistent doc for effectively setting bus expectations" #buzzwordbingo


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