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Using two chairs to hold up our Christmas tree. Thinking maybe we shouldn't have bought it from The Reject Shop.
I just joined the aussietwitters Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
OK, finally stopped sneezing. Having a medicinal mid-afternoon bourbon to try to soothe the sore throat.
@docbaty Don't own any mate! On to The Scientists now.
Sneezing. Makes it hard to type. :-(
Listening to "Damned Is Hard" by The Wreckery. Former Melbourne boy having flashbacks to the late 1980s.
Snuffly and sick of it
Gearing up for a conference call
Listening to "Just A Song About Ping Pong" by Operator Please
@tomcummings Yep Lee is a good egg. China is au-go-go. Thx for input on last draft.
Ooh, Laptop XO. I want one!
If I want to change a bookmarklet so the last thing it does is redirect me to, what code do I add at the end?
Listening to "Hole Of My Love" by Painters & Dockers.
@neerav It's a prairie dog. Cute little critters, no?
Thanks to Pearson Scott Foresman and the Wikimedia Common for my new avatar and background image
Still working on this report on social media in China. Getting closer to completion.
@BrandDNA It is, but 80s garage rock tragics such as myself never really moved on


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