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Having Toby's Estate coffee at High Cafe after visit to the quack. And playing with Twittelator Pro. 
Heading to the doctor
Andre Rieu should be banned from workplaces. Just saying
@mattdelves And have you never heard someone say " I'll kill you"? Even with a knife doesn't mean it's a threat you meet with deadly force
@mattdelves Point is, teen didn't. If he was in knifing range, then 3 officers shot him in the body at point-range. Not an approp response.
@mattdelves I don't see there's ever cause to gang-murder a teenager
ruhroh: "Scientists extract images directly from brain" is not bad - either directly in a browser or in gmail
@j_stirk Of course, it may be some freak storm that you are magically expanding as you travel're not off the hook yet! ;)
@j_stirk Just so you don't feel so bad, it's still pretty much bucketing down in Sydney
I'm sorry Apple, your "Brilliant gift ideas. Give iPod" marketing tagline is no longer that brilliant: except for you bottom line, maybe.
@soundscaper Allegra Mae. 7.24pm Dec 11 2008. 3.4kg, 51cm
Woot. I am a Great Uncle. Or is that Grand Uncle??
Holy social networking Batman! DET have unblocked!!
Well I'm so glad that's over
At UTS library
Time to get ready and head out for Xmas drinks with friends.
Holy sh*t! RT: "@abcnews Public transport key to cutting emissions..." Well who woulda thought? #bleedingfsckingobvious


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Ross om Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Serdar Kiliç Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Edward Vielmetti Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Jim Long Nic Hodges Michael Specht Sandy Robert Scoble that grum guy! Sarah Stephen Collins John Gruber Mark Bernstein Vanessa Stacy raena Susan MacGillivray Status Updates dotBen Andy Roberts Baher Al Hakim Peter Wells Mr Anderson Andrew Garrett Randal L. Schwartz Brad Kellett Tom Merritt
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