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@facibus Talk of organisation?
Two pics from the Canberra #nocleanfeed rally
@facibus Tell me about it - got so much to do, *glancing at @trib* and I feel like going back to bed within an hour of getting up. Bleargh!
Thanks for the bread & pills tip @benrhughes - works like a charm! No more horrible taste from chewing my medication :-)
I'm wrecked and sick again - need to give myself time to recover. Uploading some pics of #nocleanfeed #canberra rally then crashing
Stupid building security - I can get into the building with my card from one of the two entrances but not my floor. Fail!
#nocleanfeed rally in Canberra success! Over a hundred people turned up. Four speeches :-)
Come down to City Walk and protest against mandatory Internet filtering! #nocleanfeed
Hope this thing goes well - off I go into town #nocleanfeed #rally #canberra
@funkycoda Hmm I was just using #nocleanfeed but a rally-specific one would be nice. Prob bit late to try introduce a hastag
@astruc Ask me in 3 hours when people rock up, but so far about 300 people have said they'll come - so I expect around 80-120
I also need to move some things around this weekend and rest up ... still struggling with getting over this flu thing
I ... get some odd messages sometimes :-)
@cutandsewn Is that a serious recommendation? If so, I'll check it out
@Caronne Near the fountain #nocleanfeed #canberra
We failed to secure a band to play today so now I'm frantically hunting down some unlicensed/CC music to put on iPod
RT @pmstudent SCRUM in Under 10 Minutes <-- great video
@benrhughes Hmm ok I'll try that, thanks
Foul taste in my mouth ...
Off to bed. Everyone don't forget to attend your local #nocleanfeed rally! For Canberra, it's at City Walk 12pm


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams veen Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Serdar Kiliç Molly E. Holzschlag Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Greg Lexiphanic Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Lachlan Hardy Maxine Sherrin Nic Hodges Kitta Michael Newby lisa Jeremy Keith Andreas Lienemann Tantek Çelik Tim Riley Derek Featherstone Snook Michael Specht Krissy that grum guy! Peter Asquith Ryan Carson Sarah Russ Cameron Adams Lisa Miller
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