Dan Cederholm’s Favorites

beep The irony of blaring the Ramones in an establishment selling $4 cups of coffee is not lost on me.
beep I could deal with an entire language founded on early Soul Coughing lyrics.
beep Caffeine. It works, bitches.
Tara missrogue Hunt
missrogue I'm a capitalist. I like making + spending $$. But I'm happy giving $$ to making sure the infrastructure is in place for me to do this.
Nat Torkington
gnat I propose we change those environment signature files to read "please consider living in the 21st century before you print this email".
Greg Hoy
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman Made immense mistake of checking email while on dad duty watching sick kid. Seems universe implodes without me. Did right thing: quit mail.
Rich Thornett
wrycoder @simplebits So you're saying you've been on a retweat?
Jason Santa Maria
jasonsantamaria I'm suspicious of people who regularly wear boring socks.
beep if (you.workItOut) { you.tell(me, whatYouFind); }
Adam Darowski
adarowski Taking suggestions on how to nicely get my wife to stop wearing my @SimpleBits t-shirt.
cindy li
cindyli Just found out what it's like to be oragami
Eric A. Meyer
meyerweb Starting to think @simplebits might be on the money about solar cells in the new MacBooks. Or maybe I'm just thinking extra-wishfully.
Wilson Miner
wilsonminer Just used Skype to call my phone because I couldn't find it. It was behind the couch.
Kerry Murphy
KerryM Can you freecycle cats?
Jeffrey Zeldman
zeldman I'm voting for that one.
Mena Trott
dollarshort There is a place in hell for the designers of the Go Daddy website.
Rich Thornett
wrycoder @simplebits "I LIKE BASEBALL!" would be the perfect slogan for a simplebats line of t-shirts. Please consider.
Duncan Davidson
duncan I wish batteries came fully charged. This whole wait for your battery to charge up thing blows.
beep Wrapped my talk at #WJS08. Went okay, but felt like I rushed it this time. Needed rehearsal. Also: god help me, I used a fucking hashtag.