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Some work environments are just not appropriate for mediocre people.
@McShite This is not for you. Go back to Facebook, never to return!!! :)
Very pleased to have found a great bar around the corner from home. Reasonable prices, comfy lounges and good tunes @ Vortex.
Monkey: Journey to the West was absolutely fantastic.
Can't wait to eat moussaka tonight. And thank flip for the weekend!
Web people! Do survey, win free stuff: State of the Web 2008 Survey:
I want to play this game! Love the Go! Team theme song too
@eleonor ah yes but once you jQuery you never go back. I used to be a MooTooler
Very pleased to have purchased tickets to see Monkey Journey To The West this Saturday!
Big LOLs @ Robert Downey Junior's near perfect Russell Crowe in Tropic Thunder. And then there's Tom Cruise. Oh dear
Laughing, no, spluttering at Tropic Thunder.
@doesnottweetyet you don't have to read every tweet. Moreso a snapshot of buzz at a given moment. But I do like the smallish number I follow
Drinks then dinner in Shoreditch. And so the weekend begins (again)
@doesnottweetyet I guess the idea is to try and follow folks who are more signal than noise. That said, I do like a bit of noise in the mix.
Stars of the Lid - A Love Song (for cubs) Part 2. Fantastic elbow-on-keyboard music to concentrate to
@gadgetgirl70 Love MadMex, Crown St has a great type piece on the wall.
@jasonsantamaria Dare to be stupid, You've got the touch. Nice. 28 Days Later is a good concentration soundtrack too
Oh well. Maybe a mother lode of beef cannelloni will help... Main oven turn on.


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