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retweeting @grousemountain tonight's amazing sunset pics
@zmolek thanks for the tip on the repeat prob. It wasn't obvious to me to click album art to configure the shuffle and repeat options!
Cool! The other DaveO's (@uncleweed) interview of me is now up on raincity:
And now, back go TAG work on versioning-41.
On GG(Grouse Grind), I met the winner of 40-49 group + 8mo daughter. Fun to talk with someone who says 55 minutes carrying a kid is slow.
The Canadian Governer General approves suspension of parliament until the end of January. GG isn't just a figurehead!
What is with the iPod on the iPhone bug that it only plays one song????
Finally back online with my MacBook Pro hard-drive replacement. The past 10 days felt like I was an addict in detox. It was horrible.
I became a day trader today...
@lazyweb: what to people use for Mac slideshow with music stored on dvd? Is iPhoto enough?
argh. MacBook Pro hard-drive failed. Argh. Did I say Argh?
how to make Granpa's day: tell him his 3 yr + 10 day old granddaughter read the word "grandpa" on a card while looking for birthday cards...
@emd we went for the 7 year/80K on the Altima, so we're covered for a long while :-) What year was your Altima?
@emd the 3 year lease ran out on the X3 and the buyout was outrageous.
Doing our part for the economy: 2 new cars: We've done our part to keep the economy going as we bought 2 ne..
RT @aral: Amazon Web Services Hosted Public Data Sets the future of open data? APIs on steroids. Love the idea.
@webmink time for another 1 for 4 JAVA reverse split?
totally supporting the economy and japanese car makers. Last 3 weeks has been 1 new Honda Odyssey and 1 new Nissan Altima.
Today's amazing child story: "Daddy, 2 white wolves + 1 black wolf is 3 wolves." "that's right, 2+1 is 3". "Daddy, 3 + 1 is 4, and 4+1 is 5"


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Blaine Cook veen Chris Sacca Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Dion Hinchcliffe J Chris Anderson adam Scott Beale Dave Morin Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Molly E. Holzschlag brady forrest macaulay.sandy Nelson Minar Boris Mann Jeremy Keith Tantek Çelik Gregarious Gabe Wachob Danny Ayers Greg Stein Derek Featherstone Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Edd Dumbill Dave Beckett Ian Davis Seth
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