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@jackiealexander How hard would it be to make it dynamic (i.e. allow users to submit costs over time)?
I'm really digging the idea of more comprehensive topic pages, like this one for example:
@andrew_dunn Not in the best position to judge how it would be built, but users would submit how much they pay/ month, who landlord is, etc.
@patrickbeeson Thanks! Anything that bugs you about it? It looks pretty darn close to what I'm looking for.
Looking for an unlocked GSM phone on the cheap, preferably with Bluetooth. Any recommendations?
Unpacking/repacking. - Photo:
Amtrak from NY to Philly is sooo expensive. Scratch that idea.
Idea for student news orgs: a user-contributed housing guide that gives you a heat map for average cost of housing around campus. Takers?
rt @cshirky: Good summary of situation in Greece:
This national writers program being discussed on OTM is so 20th century.
First segment of OTM is on a bailout program for journalists. Nothing mentioned about bloggers yet, of course.
What? Advertisements on @worldstechpod?
@kev097 Where are you going to be?
@bhitchon No problem. If it works out for you, you should put together some best practices for @copress!
What is the first question #reinventjournalism should ask of the Twittersphere?
@gregorylent Certainly. Part of me wonders how it will resonate with readers who don't know India so intimately, however.
@gregorylent No problem, it was an interesting read via @publish2. What'd you think of it?
@andrew_dunn But you can get that information on the web. Newspapers had a comp advantage in distribution #reinventjournalism
@andrew_dunn @gmarkham I think this starts an interesting conversation about what is the essence of journalism online #reinventjournalism


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