Technical Report Holdings in Business and Economics

Swedish School of Economics and Business
Svenska handelshogskolan
Helsinki, Finland

Located in Finland, the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration provides university-level education in Swedish, which is one of the two official languages of Finland. Most of its business and economics research publications are available in English.

Skriftserier     Working Papers


For the most recent papers in this series, see the index to the Skriftserier on the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration web site.

Managing meaning: the use of expert forecasts in forest industry companies
Annele Eerola
Number 67

Perceived quality in business relationships
Maria Holmlund
Number 66
Post-acquisition integration: towards an understanding of employee reactions
Cami Lohrum
Number 65
Comparison standards in perceived service quality
Veronica Liljander
Number 63
Essays on the modelling of exchange rate target zones
Staffan Ringbom
Number 62
Bankruptcy costs and the bankruptcy code: a case study of the Finnish code
Stefan Sundgren
Number 61
Essays on contingent claims pricing
Krister Rindell
Number 60
Fundamental sources of risk and expected returns on Swedish assets
Anders Loflund
Number 59
Tolerance zones in perceived service quality
Tore Strandvik
Number 58
Process of self-care decision making
Maj-Britt Hedvall
Number 57
Essays on the market microstructure of the Helsinki stock exchange
Kaj Hedvall
Number 56
Nature of customer relationship profitability; analysis of relationsips and customer bases in retail banking
Kaj Storbacka
Number 55
Essays in the market for corporate control: corporate acquisitions and stock market introductions
Kenneth Hogholm
Number 54
Currency choice in exporting: a cross-cultural study
Patrick Anckar
Number 52
Expected asset returns and financial risks: some empirical evidence on Swedish data
Kim Nummelin
Number 51

Working Papers

For the most recent working papers in this series, see the index to Working Papers on the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration web site.

Parent company influence on subsidiary human resource management: the case of Finnish subsidiaries in Poland
Denise Salin
August 1998
Working Paper 376 (1998)

East European governments: the right focus, the right size
Peter Zashev
August 1998
Working Paper 375 (1998)
Asymmetric information, moral hazard, and the home bias in international portfolio investments
Tom Berglund
August 1998
Working Paper 374 (1998)
Self-employment and liquidity constraints - evidence from Finland
Edvard Johansson
June 1998
Working Paper 373 (1998)
Understanding event marketing management; a case study of Nokia Balalaika Show in Berlin
Maria Kronvall and Jan-Ake Tornroos
May 1998
Working Paper 372 (1998)
Designing a business writing course within an evolving CALL environment
Anne Morgan Haarala
May 1998
Working Paper 371 (1998)
Managing critical resources: a focus on the supply network of blood products in Finland
Karen Spens
April 1998
Working Paper 370 (1998)
Service marketing theory: back to basics
Christian Gronroos
March 1998
Working Paper 369 (1998)
Auditors selection of tolerable error and risk levels in the context of sample size decisions: a cross-cultural experiment
Jan Wallin
March 1998
Working Paper 368 (1998)
An overview of emotion theory: incorporating the concept of emotion into service quality research
Maria Bergenwall
February 1998
Working Paper 367 (1998)
Major political decisions and peso phenomena in bond returns: the case of Sweden's referendum on joining the European Union
Tom Berglund and Peter Hordahl
February 1998
Working Paper 365 (1998)
Journey towards loyalty
Magnus Enckell and Cami Lohrum
December 1997
Working Paper 364 (1997)
Liquidity effects of alternate equity issuance methods
Mats Hansson
December 1997
Working Paper 363 (1997)
Common stochastic trends in a system of spot exchange rates
Simo Launonen
December 1997
Working Paper 362 (1997)
Effect of price stabilization in the market for new issues. A market microstructure approach
Joakim Westerholm
December 1997
Working Paper 361 (1997)
Resource-based view and strategic human resource management
Mats Ehrnrooth
December 1997
Working Paper 360 (1997)
Heterogeneity and state dependence in modelling order flow dynamics
Kaj Hedvall and Gunnar Rosenqvist
December 1997
Working Paper 359 (1997)
Day end returns - stock price manipulation
Karl Felixson and Anders Pelli
December 1997
Working Paper 358 (1997)
Building a framework for studying connections between learning styles and team learning
Mia Sjoblom
December 1997
Working Paper 357 (1997)
Applying true and fair view override: empirical evidence
Bo-Goran Ekholm and Pontus Troberg
December 1997
Working Paper 356 (1997)
Dual listing and price discovery: the role of the domestic market
Kaj Hedvall, Eva Liljeblom and Kim Nummelin
November 1997
Working Paper 355 (1997)
Loyalty in post-acquisition integration - a discussion
Cami Lohrum
October 1997
Working Paper 354 (1997)
Effect of green labels on consumer decision making
Peter Bjork
October 1997
Working Paper 351 (1997)
Project monitoring and banking competition under adverse selection
Vesa Kanniainen and Rune Stenbacka
September 1997
Working Paper 350 (1997)
Towards an understanding of workplace resistance in post-acquisition integration
Cami Lohrum
September 1997
Working Paper 349 (1997)
Perception configurations in business relationships
Maria Holmlund and Tore Strandvik
June 1997
Working Paper 347 (1997)
Relationship marketing and the interaction/network approach
Richard Owusu
June 1997
Working Paper 346 (1997)
Measuring service productivity
Katri Ojasalo
Juni 1997
Working Paper 345 (1997)
Relationsip marketing: interaction, dialogue and value
Christian Gronroos
April 1997
Working Paper 344 (1997)
From data to knowledge in work context
Inger V. Eriksson and Anne M. Tittanen
March 1997
Working Paper 342 (1997)
Relationship between volatility and international listing: evidence from the Finish stock market
Aarni Pursianen
March 1997
Number 341 (1997)
Agglomeration in a core-periphery model with vertically and horizontally integrated firms
Karolina Ekholm and Rikard Forslid
February 1997
Number 340 (1997)
Geronotology and tourism management
Peter Bjork
February 1997
Number 339 (1997)
Political will versus external help - the pattern of Bulgaria
Peter Zashev
February 1997
Number 338 (1997)
World capital markets and Finnish stock returns
Kim Nummelin and Mika Vaihekoski
December 1996
Number 337 (1996)
An explanation of grounded theory
Andy Lowe
December 1996
Number 336 (1996)
Diagnosing the termination of customer relationships
Inger Roos and Tore Strandvik
December 1996
Number 335 (1996)
Exchange rate devaluations and peso phenomena in stock returns
Tom Berglund and Anders Loflund
December 1996
Number 334 (1996)
Extreme value volatility estimators - a simulation study
Anders Pelli
December 1996
Number 333 (1996)
Bid-ask symmetry of DTB option trades
Benny Jern
December 1996
Number 332 (1996)
Whishart and chi-square distributions associated with matrix quadratic forms
Thomas Mathew and Kenneth Nordstrom
December 1996
Number 331 (1996)
Face saving in business relationships. A basic social process
Andrew Lowe
November 1996
Number 330 (1996)
Why some entrepreneurs must rely on angels
Tom Berglund and Edvard Johansson
December 1996
Number 329 (1996)
Market structure in banking and debt-financed project risks
Erkki Koskela and Rune Stenbacka
November 1996
Number 328 (1996)
Customer switching behavior in retailing
Inger Roos
November 1996
Number 327 (1996)
Discrete mathematics for business students?
Leif Andersson
November 1996
Number 326 (1996)
Inequalities for the probability content of a rotated ellipse and related stocastic domination results
Thomas Mathew and Kenneth Nortstrom
October 1996
Number 325 (1996)
Optimal tax-transfer systems and redistributive policy: the Finnish experience
Johan Fellman, Markus Jantti and Peter J. Lambert
September 1996
Number 324 (1996)
Creating and communicating technology foresight. Differences between various types of technology study
Annele Eerola
August 1996
Number 323 (1996)
Towards a multilevel service process chart - empirical findings from a pharmaceutical service
Viveka Ekholm and Kim Wrange
June 1996
Number 322 (1996)
Tests of conditional asst pricing models on Finnish stock return data using latent variables
Mats Hansson and Jan W. Antell
May 1996
Number 320 (1996)
Technology policy and the organization of R&D
Rune Stenbacka and Mihkel M. Tombak
May 1996
Number 319 (1996)
Accounting information systems: the next generation
Anders Tallberg
April 1996
Number 318 (1996)
Intertemporal capital asset pricing model with time-varying parameters: tests on data from the Helsinki stock exchange
Mika Vaihekoski
March 1996
Number 317 (1996)
On stocks, bonds and business conditions
Anders Loflund and Kim Nummelin
February 1996
Number 316 (1996)
Symmetry of the limit order book: market-microstructure findings from the Finnish stock market
K. Hedvall, J. Niemeyer and G. Rosenqvist
December 1995
Number 313 (1995)
New look at stock return indicators and their impact under different market conditions
J. Knif, K. Hogholm and f. Gonzalez Miranda
December 1995
Number 312 (1995)
Global coskewness and Swedish stock returns
Kim Nummelin
December 1995
Number 311 (1995)
Underpricing of initial public offerings: a simple explanation
Tom Bergland
November 1995
Number 309 (1995)
How much are Finnish tourists willing to pay for a week's stay at an ecoresort
Peter Bjork
November 1995
Number 308 (1995)
Rebirth of modern marketing - six propositions about relationship marketing
Christian Gronroos
November 1995
Number 307 (1995)
Intrinsic mathematical properties of classes of income redistributive policies
Johan Fellman
November 1995
Number 306 (1995)
Impact of trading activity on the components of the bid-ask spread on a LOB-market; evidence from the Helsinki Stock Exchange
Mats Hansson
October 1995
Number 305 (1995)
Forecasts and risky investments: discussion based on an empirical study in Scandanavian pulp and paper companies
Annele Eerola
October 1995
Number 304 (1995)
Relationships between individuals and their organisation in knowledge intensive firms: what do we know?
Annika Akerberg
September 1995
Number 303 (1995)
Objectives of Financial Reporting and equity theories: are user needs different?
Pontus Troberg and Bo-Goren Ekholm
August 1995
Number 302 (1995)
Optimal control of exchange rate target zones with price inertia
Staffan Ringbom
April 1995
Number 298 (1995)
Relationship between different concepts of credibility in a simple exchange rate target zone model
Staffan Ringbom
April 1995
Number 297 (1995)
Macroeconomic volatility and stock market volatility; empirical evidence on Swedish data
Eva Liljeblom and Marianne Stenius
April 1995
Number 296 (1995)
Benefits from international diversification for Nordic investors
E. Liljeblom, A. Loflud and S. Krokfors
March 1995
Number 295 (1995)
Corporate chioice of external financing - a panel data study
Petter Langenskiold and Gunnar Rosenqvist
February 1995
Number 294 (1995)
Modified count data models with an application to demand for dental care
G. Rosenqvist, S-S Arinen and H. Sintonen
February 1995
Number 293 (1995)
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