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My 5yo just wrote out 2 sentences by sounding out the words. Even tho spelled wrong, I'm totally verklempt.
Ruthie just pointed to her sides and declared, "These are my Blink O'Dominoes!"
@papernapkin re the Canon, I rarely use the flash. It also has macro and micro focus, plus it fits in your pocket (more likely to bring it).
@papernapkin for still, we have a canon Elph, which also takes video. In fact, the majority of video on my blog is from the Canon.
@papernapkin - flip is so easy, we let our kids film with it.
@papernapkin For video, we love the Flip. It's relatively cheap, and easy to use - just "flip" out the thingy and plug into your USB port.
Gmail is hanging, which is likely an act of God since I should not be on the computer right now. *sigh*
is tired beyond words, having forgotten puppies get up in the night to pee as much as babies do to nurse.
@wsdot I don't understand sr-167's toll lane. Can I use it w/o a pass if I have a carpool? Or do I have to have a pass regardless? Confused.
@jennifer_Leigh Happy Birthday! Have fun at the spa!
Got excited for a brief moment at the thought of watching The Daily Show on the iPhone while in bed, but alas, no adobe flash.
Thomas guarding his crackers from Lucy Kung Fu Panda style -
I love that @papernapkin loves snow days because she GETS to be around her kids. I need more of that attitude. :)
Today feels like a bill paying, basement dwelling, pajama day. Trying to shake it off since I have company coming in an hour!
We canceled our land line last week, and within TWO HOURS I started getting robotic sales calls to my cell. ARGH!
Boston Legal is done. So sad.
I love love love Alan Shore and Denny Crane's friendshipship. It's the best on tv.
@papernapkin more pics of Lucy and the backstory coming soon! Have not opened my laptop in two days...busy busy.
@Jeff_Overstreet Bryan's Christmas party is that night, but we'd like to come another time!


randy stewart Lee LeFever Hugh MacLeod Bryan Zug JulieLeung Jim Benson Jen Lemen Kendall Guillemette Anita Rowland Alecia Kleiner Heidi Kristen Elizabeth Grigg Laurie White Ponzi Pirillo Norman Guadagno Amanda Jason Wendorf Jennifer McGuiggan Ignite Seattle Mark Driscoll Leah Smith Dooce Katherine Gray Eden MarriottKennedy Alice Bradley Sheryl Angela Susie Sunshine Joshua Mauldin Clay Shirky LaidOff Dad Aimee Greeblemonkey Kimberle