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I'm Irish. Went there last year. Love it but why do I feel such diaspora leaving Mexico? Seems like my real home. But dang I'm Irish I guess
Bailout for press gains mo' But if press joins bailoutees, who will be left as watchdog of this sad syndrome?
Sipping cafe mezclado as sun rises over Cozumel. I may miss my flight.
Work email does not work on island of Cozumel but tweets coming in just fine. Que dia tan bueno.
Work email doesn't work on island of coz
Can't retrieve work email on island of Cozumel but Twitter works just fine. Que dia
Heading to Cozumel. May not tweet much. Adioz twa-migos! Twa-sta luego.
@kellyhudson I'll be at guv's mansion to hear how about budget woes. I think you will have more fun in Columbus
Going to Columbus Friday. Then clock ticks toward Cozumel Saturday. Necesito unas vacaciones.
@brianbutts45248 I sent you a DM but must add pubtweet humiliation. In DC it's the Metro not subway, homes. btw we be proud of you. TC
Are tweets the first rough draft of history? Or, as Voltaire said, "history is a fable agreed upon." Mumbai lessons.
@DPoulson In fact, we will be hiring a good business reporter. You were one of the best I've worked with. Have yur peeps call my peeps, bro
@DPoulson Hard to convey in a tweet. We have been distracted from just telling good stories. Not 1 reporter hour touched in layoffs. Onward.
@chrisainsworth Tried "readers' newspaper" look where it got us. Yes,self-selection rules online.But in print, let's return to storytelling.
@gregorykorte Yes, start writing writers. Just don't pass 140 characters. Sorry could not resist that.
announced today The Enquirer has made transition to "a writer's newspaper." Now, let's write.
Congrats to Brian Butts for being recognized as a young innovator. His data mapping project is awesome. Check it out.
"Newspapers & social networking": Oxymoronic as "military intelligence,jumbo shrimp,unbiased opinion" or..."old news?"
Work to do but I want to walk around the lake. If it's actually easier to just work, why do we it work? Need this:
OK, well maybe here then.


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