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Nice post from @BlogSquad on Blog Content Calendar: Make a Plan -
Hey @RichardatDELL that's awesome! RT @jacquiatDELL our interview has been translated into chinese by @webleon
Welcome to all the new followers from @mrtweet !
If you missed the SEO Through Blogs and Feeds session at #seschicago check out the last 3 posts on
@DaveNaylor a mistake a lot of booth people make w/me is to be dismissive b/c I'm not a prospect but then their PR people pitch me. delete!
@DaveNaylor I've noticed most (but not all) booth people at conferences are pretty lame actually. Arrogance isn't good booth behavior.
5 Tips for Successful Blog Optimization and Corporate Blogging:
@johncpiercy I use TwitterFon mostly and the rest are odd things for the munchkins to play with: Pandora rocks on iPhone
s sarfoodie really? that would be awesome - add to my productivity a lot
@graywolf the batter has not been as big of an issue for me but I can see that it sucks energy like um, you know, a lot.
2 weeks into being an iPhone owner and my only complaints are: no copy paste and it's impossible to type fast
@johnbattelle I'm with you John, 5000 followers in the next day or so and truly greatful for it
Good morning Tweeple. Getting some great material from Twitter this morning
Good one. RT @derekhalpern Four Ways to Take Advantage of Your Competitions Success for Your Gain -
@sugarrae Bloglines has been confused about our subscriber counts for months. 45 one day and 1800 the next
@melanienathan Point to that press release please
How in the heck do you lose 2000 RSS subscribers in one day? It's been a week now so something's off. Thinking Bloglines
@maxkalehoff @aarongoldman I know, you could do an interview with some interesting people in the digital marketing space. hmmm
Thanks @dbcotton for the @shortyawards nomination in the #business category
@DougH You're thinking of Feedburner also offers a RSS to email feature


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