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@masonthelen @mralec Should I stay true to tradition and roll with my mickeys? Srsly though, 4:45 right?
Modest mouse's "beach front property" is the most perfect song for MN today. - #railspotting Location: highland pavilion, 1200 monteal ave, 55105
@aschendel part of that campaign was in retweeting, almost MLM-style. also, you're ahead of (y)our time :D
@marywallace What about this: Herman Miller sends me a chair, no strings, but know I prbly will talk about it. What would your advice 2 me b
@mralec @masonthelen I suppose now would be a good time to read those business plans. Can I get a ruling on live tweeting the event? Thanks.
@mikebilleter holy crap, when'd #the61 redesign happen? Dig the owl city find, too. Nice work ;)
@marywallace Hi Mary - interesting comment on TechnoSailor. Would your position change if he didn't have the 2nd giveaway/retweets?
@aschendel social media = peer review, peer = someone you trust. then again, you don't trust yourself, so... ;-)
Kill me now. A native Excel Twitter client. Yes, you read that right. (via @swhitley)
lol - "Watching someone writing an email on a Storm is like watching an antelope trying to open a packet of cigarettes."
@aschendel Interesting point - but I think that's the appeal of social media - greater transparency (for now).
@gillianr I was going to chat you and see what's up, but seems like you're stuck in an infinite loop.
Reading @stoweboyd's insightful (as always) look at the PayPerPost/IZEA topic. Hey, an article sans #JrHighInternetFight !
@Pistachio Why bother with a big UNSUBSCRIBE? People are so trained to hit "Junk" or "Spam" instead of opting-out of something they opt-in 4
@lauterhaus Yeah, hi. Manic weather my ass. Call me when your predicted highs are -1 ;o)
@redstarvip Listening to SF-based The Dodos "Visiter" in an audibly delicious vinyl to flac rip. #musicmondays


Evan Williams Sarah Milstein om Keith Lunak Jennifer Stirman Ruby Sinreich Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Veronica Belmont Jason DeBoer-Moran Gregarious Drew McLellan Lee LeFever Leonard Snook Scott Hoggarth Robert Scoble Teresa Valdez Klein FUEL TV Alex Payne ian c rogers Sam Sethi andrea_r J Wynia Peter Fleck CenterNetworks Jeffrey Zeldman Kevin Farner Jennifer Pahlka Jeremiah Marrina taulpaul Dan Grigsby Kerry G Daria
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