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@paulcarruthers your missus is not wrong. you even look like him
dog vs cat: put bowl of milk down, dog ignores it. cat starts drinking. dog shoves cat out of the way and drinks the lot.
the yank bloke on buzzcocks may have a shite song but he's very funny
played the guitar like Vernon Reid. or Steve Vai. or maybe it was lots of random notes played too fast.
@squiggle what does ass, big or not, taste like?
@kevgibbo option (alt) 3 and fn-backspace
@davidsmalley I've got one, works well. can't remember what it's called though. will tell you later
and again, git push *then* cap deploy.
@peterc copy and paste urls from wherever into twitter?
@davidsmalley oops. they both look the same to me
@stephenfry i was wondering how many of your followers know you as the "gadget guy" and how many as Oxford-writer-comedian guy?
is much better at regexes than he was 48 hours ago
massive mysql query, vista and a rails app slowly grinding this machine down
@thehodge i like it when you post links to you singing
watches and waits as a mysql import brings this mbp to its knees
just had the fear. updating production servers *shivers*
fancied a cup of tea; goes to kitchen to find a full one he made a couple of hours ago


sergio ruiz Robert Brook Paul Farnell Philip Campbell Andrew Disley Graeme Mathieson Dave Verwer Deb Bassett Euan Semple Avi Bryant Paul Carruthers Christian Heilmann Ryan Carson Nige Stubbs John Gruber Peter Cooper Imran Ali Tom Smith Neil Cauldwell Luke Redpath stueccles Jamie van Dyke BBC News BBC Sport Amy Jane Gruber Twitterrific Zach Inglis Paul Robinson Guy Dickinson Pete Gilbert Peter Morris ben aldred Michael Arrington Terry Madeley John Jantsch
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