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Curried candy pecans might sound gross, but they're covered in tasty.
@thesmitten I daresay I have bakery twine for a lifetime. And yes, $36.52 was my damage.
Hello Martha Stewart Crafts sale.
Eggnog, yes or no?
Shipping confirmation for 1 Yacht cap, 1 Santa beard, 36 fake mustaches (asst), and 1 turquoise wig. Just another Hearn cocktail party.
Taking a Fabulous Fondue class with the parents at the CIA.
The Repeal of Prohibition is a celebrated holiday here. Downtown is filled with tipsy shoppers.
Preparing for my parents to visit apparently includes watching Enchanted and ignoring my holiday cards.
@trammell I've been hate f-ing IE6 all day long.
Dog and baby howl in unison. The house fills with vowels.
"Oh, we're sorry, we told you daycare could start in January, but we meant March." Um, what?
I just took a cookie class. And it was every bit as awesome as it sounds.
Hello new laptop, thank you for keeping me warm.
@elzbeth ME TOO. I was totally teased about it too.
I've willed the new laptop to arrive by the following adverbs: angrily, excitedly, gleefully, urgently and erotically.
@veen webmonkey? Fun!
I have spent more time willing a baby to sleep in the past 4 months than any other activity.
Little girl, stop impersonating the Trainspotters baby and take your nap.
Concocting our signature cocktails for the Third Annual Hearn Holiday Cocktail party. Wear your natty hat.
Executive decision not to finish those three projects tonight. You forgive me, right?


Biz Stone Evan Williams Eric Case veen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Nick Douglas Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Buster McLeod President Monteiro bryan mason Roderick Aubrey Sabala Michael Buffington Victor Cameron Walters lane Sarah Hatter Dan Cederholm Thor Muller Amy Muller Daniel Newman Jason Hoffman fake mat honan MJ Tantek Çelik Jesse! Emily Ryan King eran ByJane Eris Stassi Ernie Hsiung urban_mermaid Kenneth M. Berger
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