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just started "Critical" by Tom Daschle. Already can tell it will be very good; well written & informative. Can use for policy class too.
@chgthewrld hey congrats! I haven't gotten evals for either course yet. but "k" comes before "s" so hopefully she's doing it alpha.
ooh. the mailman brought goodies. Got a U2 CD I traded for on Zunafish & the Tom Daschle book on healthcare I ordered last wk. Life is good.
@RobinBernstein it's now raining ice pellets. on top of snow. DOT has yet to plow/sand my street. ice skakting anyone?
@bonnerj now what were you saying again about a foot of snow?
just read that U2's new album"No Line on the Horizon," will be released March 3. Looking forward to it - it's been 4 yrs since last one.
had nice catch-up bkfst w/@RobinBernstein. Made it home w/just gentle snow falling. Coming down much harder now.
learned new abbrev. today: PFT Lab is pulmonary function lab. Will be working on newsltr article about that for client.
son informs me this am he needs to stay late at school for band practice. Will be mean mom & make him take bus home; hate snow driving in NY
looking forward to meeting @RobinBernstein for bkfst in am; hoping snow holds off til we both get home; rather it holds off completely.
we get $400 rebate checks; Bloomberg gets his prop. tax hike. Better he should keep the checks & can the hike. Not a happy homeowner
@bonnerj you're such a New Yorker. But I hope you're right. I'm already figuring they won't get to Queens; just wait for rain.
another textbook arrived; this one on why Americans hate welfare. It's for my media & pub. policy class. suppose I'll get the connection.
@ctorgan very difficult for those trying to manage chronic diseases, often multiple. can't understand care plan, embarassed to ask for help
helped son sneak in one more college app today; sometimes a call from mom to the HS guidance counselor can work wonders. harder to say no
@ctorgan did a paper last year on this issue. It's scary. Has nothing to do w/ESL but something like 40% of adults have 4th gr reading level
@healthythinker thx for the link. I'd actually love to go work for them once I get my masters.
does anyone here do Latin? want to know how to say "health writer"; online dict vary; needs to make sense for my business focus
RT @rwjf: Dartmouth Atlas report expands on racial and regional variations in health care quality. - good stuff
@carlosrizo you may be able to find something online w/clips to attch - unless someone you know (or you) knits. Saves load of am time


Bill Clinton SixUntilMe |diabetes The New York Times Stacy Tim Siedell Barack Obama Tom Stitt Joe Biden Hillary Clinton Health Matthew Holt Brian NY Times: Health NY Times: Metro Andre Blackman Matt C Health Care APHA Joe Trippi Guy Kawasaki DR_LAS_WHM NBC Nightly News PunditMom drval Jennifer Texada People For Cheri Campbell Dave Kerpen DJ Smith kevinmd Ana Marie Cox - Health Les Morgan Steve Dean