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@pennyb Let me know if you do pop over.. Give me a shout if you get desperate for a support act too :)
@pennyb I see you're a friend of Lis's too.. Hello :) I'm Jonic, although you already knew that.. Nice to meet you.. Playing in York soon?
@pennyb Well the 'listen again' uses Flash.. They could stream mp3s through Flash too, I think.. That way Mac and Linux are ok too :)
@bbccouk Any plans to drop RealPlayer from the iPlayer's live radio? I hope you do, because it's simply terrible software..
@lastyearsgirl_ My last tweet to you was my 2,000th! Hurray and that! Playing In'ernet catchup today then? I don't envy you!
@lastyearsgirl_ I must have caught them being uploaded then.. There were only a few from Saturday up when I looked :)
@hawkster Didn't know you had a Tumblr man.. Consider it followed :)
On a fun-comedown (fundown?) after spending a fantastic weekend with @lastyearsgirl_, who I hadn't seen in two and a half flippin' years!
@amwelles Damn straight! I'm clearing out my old PC tonight, and then it's being permanently retired Hooray and that!
@istarman The keyboard is pretty damn small.. It'll take a little getting used to, but I'm managing for now..
@kionee This is to bridge the gap.. Can't quite afford a Mac yet, but it's coming in the new year :)
Got my Eee PC.. It's awesome, although I didn't like the OS too much.. I've got Ubuntu on it now, and it's PERFECT :)
Just got my headphone cable in some Branston pickle.. Nice..
@lizwebpage Written a new song.. Should be recording a rough demo of it on Tuesday.. I'll let you know how it goes :) IM me some time :)
@lizwebpage I'm about.. You're never on GTalk anymore :P Job's aweseome thanks.. Been there 3 months! How have you been?
@lizwebpage Alright? How's it going? Not caught you in a LONG time..
@whatkatiedoes I've read mixed reviews, but if it plays half as well as it looks then I'm happy.. The ME website is awesome - nice work :)
Thinking of picking up Mirror's Edge (360).. Anyone else got it? Is it worth buying? I've been checking out videos and it looks amazing..
@crispynoodles Sweet :) I can't wait to get mine.. I'm having it delivered to work, so I'll charge it up then and spend the evening on it :)


Joe Lazarus Nick Douglas Dan Cederholm drew olanoff Veronica Belmont Emily Chang Tantek Çelik Heilemann Hickensian Garrett Murray Snook Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Steve Smith Kristin Pishdadi photomatt Ryan Carson Major Nelson (Larry) Chris Pederick Steve Urmston Jeff Croft Dennis John Gruber Lis Ferla Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Dave Child Jonni Brown Robyn Tippins Hsien Sarah Austin Pasquale D'Silva Sasha Manuel Bryan Veloso Tris Hussey nostrich
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