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RT @kylejames RT @ellieeille: We're looking for the Best Viral Videos of 2008 for a future blog post - send us your ideas!
@martin001 and if it weren't for the last minute, a lot of things wouldn't get done.
@martin001 Yes, yes, I know & if we had done that last mowing we'd have nice mulch now, instead of soggy piles in the side yard. Sigh.
RT @Scobleizer What is the hottest new service that you weren't using in 2007? My nominations? FriendFeed. TripIt. Qik.
Okay, now I'm going to rake leaves/pine needles for REAL. Double ouch on self-administered butt-kicking.
Shout-out to @skydiver for #HARO exponential growth on
Ok, Twitter is keeping me from surprising Sweetheart by raking the wet leaves/pine needles while he's gone. Time to kick self in butt. Ouch.
@JohnFinn We already have that problem with this decade. Did we ever decide if it's the oughts? I will pronounce Web 20 as "web twen-tee".
@GeekMommy Well, my #petpeeve idea isn't going to do much for you unless you want to reorient downward into Gloomyville :0
Looking for broadcast media tweeps? @wageek to the rescue: #journchat
#petpeeve: More unnec verbal punctuation: Do we really need to hear "and slash or"? Makes sense in print; spoken aloud, it's clunky.
#petpeeve: When people speak punctuation aloud unnecessarily. Don't say "quote unquote": Shd be able to hear sarcasm in voice.
Sometimes we all just need to vent. What's YOUR #petpeeve? (Not restricted to just one if you're feeling creative/crabby.)
@JohnFinn I like that! A true techie answer--distinction between dots & periods. Web 2 oh works for me, sans punctuation.
@grizzarkhov Coffee doubled as cleaning fluid for me yesterday--removed pen mark from desktop nicely.
1 vote for "web 2 oh", 1 for "web 2 point oh". Spkr this a.m. said "2 dot oh" which sounded so funny!
@ Rockwood Bakery w/Sweetheart for fresh-baked goodness on my day off. Walked here in light drizzle--thank hvns 4 caramel macchiato.
LaunchPadINW seems to be figuring out how to build geographic & meaningful micro-network that will grow.


Ken Tara missrogue Hunt Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Brian Clark Brian Solis Robert Scoble Jonathon D. Colman Jeremiah Kami Huyse Ike Pigott Connie Reece BL Ochman Todd Defren hotdogsladies David Armano David Finch Susan Murphy Peter Kim Todd Sanders Lee Odden Pete Cashmore Scott Monty Darren Rowse Richard Masoner Barbara Rozgonyi Joseph Jaffe Yehuda Moon Adam Jackson Jeff Cutler Suzy Tonini Mark Simonds Terry Bain Peter Shankman WashingtonState wsu
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