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@stevenso Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! is the only way to scooby.
too many ideas and too much to achieve to let something like the economy stand in the way
liking the new seesmic design
on a gotomeeting
Taking a nap
finished finding starfish under the ocean and catching stars in outer space with my daughter and is now listening to Ornette Coleman Trio
drinking coffee and going over notes in preparation for a client call
@brampitoyo just say no to animated avatars
Currently Browsing: Yahoo closes Brickhouse
@brampitoyo you too seem to have broader interests that shape the whole such as ethnography.
@brampitoyo too much interconnectedness to focus on one thing. in understanding human interaction there is always some new facet to discover
@ShawnaCoronado I've noticed that too. It's part of twitters charm ;)
uninstalled Zentact firefox plug-in it's too intrusive
@brampitoyo sometimes a gourmet feast and other times a drive-through :/
It's a sad history of the culture of food that so many food packages brag that the food they contain is REAL or ALL NATURAL
trying out Zentact thnx @springnet
The Complete Works of Adrian Frutiger. I want.


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