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A smart man realizes he left his suit jacket at the hotel and attempts to recover it. A wise man doesn't leave it there in the first place.
Killing time in Manhattan is easy. Resuscitating it, not so much.
I may have stayed out way too late. And I may have had way too much beer.
Drinks and conversation with @innovatebig and @bobulate. Feeling very appreciative to have good friends.
If you're in NYC and feel like coming out to play, speak up. @innovatebig and I are headed towards Times Square for a drink or three.
7:46pm on a Friday night in Manhattan. Time to find some fun.
Have discovered I can transplant my UX skills into the world of architecture (UX of physical spaces). Might be time to switch professions.
Headed to meet some architects for a full-day meeting and initial product research. So gonna need coffee for this.
Had sushi with @innovatebig, then met some people at a low-brow Asian restaurant. Much sake was invoved. Feeling warmer now.
Delayed flight, 5 hours in middle seat between large man and large snoring woman, and it's raining. Welcome to New York.
Dear NYC: I'll be arriving 2 hours late. And I'll be grouchy.
@joshviney I may pass by a tourist trap or two while walking to and from meetings. Does that count as free time?
@jmspool Don't you worry, my friend - there will be Post-Its!
@joshviney Sadly, so far, the weather forecast is hardly the worst thing about this trip.
@daveIxD Just a quick 2-day trip for a project kickoff. Have almost no time to do anything but sit in a conference room.
My Twitter stream this morning is full of friends flying from one place to another. Me: Phoenix to NYC.
New suitcase means figuring out how to pack again, but for cryin' out loud, I finally have one with 4 wheels.
Had to buy "Once" on DVD tonight. An actual DVD. I guess we're still a long way from getting everything we want over the Internet.
In Phoenix, it's mighty rare to find a restaurant *in* your neighborhood, let alone a good one. Happily, we now have one.
@crosswiredmind Thanks for the support! You have time to save your pennies, though - I haven't even started writing yet!


Scott Fegette Hillary Hartley Derek Featherstone Sandy Malarkey Jeffrey Zeldman Mike Downey Stef. Liz Danzico chipd Eric A. Meyer Greg R Wendy Sharp Dave Shea Barack Obama Joshua Porter Jared M. Spool UIE Christina Wodtke Christine April Holle Beatlejase Aarron Walter Lauren Martin MaciePuppy pollywog111 Nikki McDonald T witter Fon hillary innovatebig