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@digitalslacker it treats it very different. If I go to the m.twitter site that give me something a little more graphical but still manual
@digitalslacker yes and no. Twitterberry was running but the Blackberry platform looks diff then yours - you have MS Mobile running, right?
Looking for UserVoice votes to get Fund field feed in BBNC changed - can't have giving pages show unavailable messages
what is the stand alone version of BBNC being called? the non RE dependent version, it has an odd name . . .
re-reading fundraising in difficult times from a local Bowie firm - "not the time to try something radically new" theme
@digitalslacker wow - I haven't seen a trash 80 in . . . well I won't give it away but it's been a long time!
Got hosed 2 months fee by WebEx -gave notice @ 6 month mark to end svc :being told 30 days notice required BEFORE the 6 month, ins profanity
I'm tagging along at a Portfolio conf call / web ex watching the consultant add bold & underline codes to HTML, guess I could have done this
@digitalslacker I'm still not able to look at Twitter like you can on my crackberry, have to go to the web site and use m.twitter
@digitalslacker you or @chadnorman been using the Goog Mobile on the crackberry? they have a slew of phones they support, started to play
@tiffanyelser nice sucking up - never hurts. How's beantown treating you? better traffic to the airport I hope, can't help you today!
hate asking this, but any naptown folks know of any Thursday half price bottle of wine offerings? I know, but it's been one of those days
@starfocus Google Cause themes look wild, oh to have time to play web developer . . . I second your request, expertise is also needed
I have become a fan of Netcentric Campaigns: Advocacy 2.0 http://www.netcentriccampai...
@marcapitman Devo really changed the world! well maybe not the whole world.
@digitalslacker didn't you get an invite? "pre-release ver of BBNC 5.6 will be available to a limited # of HOSTED clients in early Jan"
Driving to DC? That was a mistake
Am missing the cool alt radio I found on 88.7 while driving to Harisburg PA, don't know call ltr or web page - philly I think
Sitting in parking lot once again, best time to tweet & read tweets
I think I'm a @starfocus copy cat, they say imitation is a form of flattery, don't they?


Maggie Mason Jonathon D. Colman Peter Campbell Michael Stein Peter Shankman Shaun Sullivan National Wildlife Kristin Johnson American Red Cross Chad Norman Marc A. Pitman kobosko Lindsey Robbins Pam McAllister Garrett Keating cnySrettiwT techkitty starfocus Mike Dougherty Greg Urban Molly Maple Steve MacLaughlin Melanie Mathos NewsHour Edi Rose StaciBennett tiffanyelser staceynoblet Allison Van Diest kristenmartin Care2News Steph McDonald Ginger Kenney Mike S. Stand Up To Cancer