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New blog post: Are the [scary] images we use undermining our cause? Pls pass on to your fave green communicator
@chrisbrogan Thanks for and furthering my understanding of why I've neglected Twitter. Now to decide: do or not do?
Traveling and conferencing past week. Home late tomorrow and back in the groove. Cooking up some good stuff with my buddy Jim Lord.
The two families mingling on stage I found even more moving than his speech (which I thought was great, of course).
When exactly am I going to stop crying, or be able to sleep?
Wow, he looks so much more rested today. Yeah! Every time I hear him I'm more impressed. He's going to be a great, great president.
@dmooney9 It made a difference to *me* to be here. Incredibly dedicated staff and volunteers here, from all over the U.S. They worked hard.
Finally watching tv ... In tears. I've never been more proud of my country. Deeply grateful to everyone who made this possible.
waiting while ballots cast count is checked against machine tape count - hey it's Florida
@sarking Florida badly needs thorough election reform
@jcolman thx can't wait for results
@sarking you and me both. Did it anyway ... This time
@jcolman where in Florida? Do you know? I'm still stuck at a poll
Don't usually say this but I want to be in front of a tv right now! Details I want details
Polls closed nearly an hour ago (fl) but people still inside voting. I'm waiting for count of total ballots cast. This will be over soon!
Observing polling place closing in Lee County FL. Feels like history. Also tired!
Poll watch shift done. Next: canvassing to gotv. Impressive organization this campaign has.
If lines look long, please remember folks in some countries are still waiting for the right to vote.


Dave Winer Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Brian Clark  C.C. Chapman Robert Scoble Hugh MacLeod Jonathon D. Colman Jeremiah Steve Rubel christopher carfi Barack Obama Chrissie Brodigan John Jantsch Susan Murphy Donna Papacosta Jim Goldstein science Britt Bravo Global Warming Wendy Piersall Jon Stahl Liz Strauss Andy Wibbels Robyn Scoble's Link Blog Cheryl Allin Patsi Krakoff Denise Wakeman Lighter Footstep Brian Caldwell Peter Shankman Stefania P. Butler Laura Fitton National Wildlife Ashley E. Kingsley
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