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Alrighty, time for me to go to bed. It's night quite midnight, but I'm turning into a pumpkin anyway.
@TishWine Well, I couldn't let him go home with that poison anyway....!
@TishWine Haven't seen them, but saw that "wine" in Total Wine...guy grabbing 2 him to spend the same on a Prosseco & Cava ...
@stevegm Not decided yet. My H just got home (he works in the Senate).
@TishWine Hmm.. Riesling...I also might say a Sauvignon Blanc since that'd be a creamy soup.
What's the value of ranking blogs?
Thinking I'm going to have to take a dry night tonight. Really need to taste all the sparkling sake in my fridge tomorrow and then #ttl Sat
Everyone should follow @goodgrape Jeff has finally made the twitter plunge!
Not happy with the Senate. Them being in session really messes up my universe. Plus, they do less harm when out of session.
@AgentRed How very odd...was the address right? My parents are retired and home all the time.
@AgentRed Refused?? My parents say it never arrived, not notice from a shipper or anything. I'll DM you the address again.
WP is freaking out on me.
@Bsimi Hehe, no I was answering a tweet of hers that arrived after I went to bed.
Too little sleep and up way too early. And it's raining.
@winebratsf Yes, but I went to bed almost the instant you sent that!


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