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I may have read this wrong, but I think I'm part of a class action suit against carter's that intitles me to a 35% off coupon. rereading it.
Do you want unconferencing in Asilomar? well do you, punk? do you?
is anyone elese's firefox crashing every three minutes?
twitters reply by email functionality is officially buggy. causes twittersplatter (sending tweets to everyone.)
can you add february weekends as options? then i'll post
@jmspool with any luck it'll quickly become "PTE"
@docbaty Lagavoulin, though growing found fo the cheap Lismore.
@ericscheid no, but check out odesk. good luck with it
@socialtopher re:SXSW well, considering linkedin and cucina before it, social media is in my blood. d me if you want more than 140 char.
@lkr livlab just pointed out I'm 100% a ideal fit for your SXSW panel. female of a certain age who goes ballistic at the mention of 75 cents
my daughter just cried by saying "wha wha wha" which just isn't all that convincing.
Retweeting @factoryjoe: Probably the most brilliant sponsorship of a 404 page I've ever seen: #thisisreality
@whitneyhess why do they call them blueberries?
surely someone at SXSW has a slot on a panel for me
I am now speaking at interactions 09, IAsummit, web 2.0, web strategy, and enterprise search strategies. whew.
SCORE! proposal accepted to speak at web 2.0 expo in SF. w00t!
sorry, premature twitter ejection. Wanted to say, froggy throated, kinda like it. I sound like a old blue singer.
I have never worked with so many comic book geeks in my life. definately a selling point for Linkedin in my mind.
Yes me and a. No idea p.


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