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Have become smug baker who knows the difference in how much a sifted or spooned cup of flour should weigh.
Having been raised Catholic I will always feel ashamed when buying booze and the nasty state licensed liquor store experience does not help.
If all goes well tomorrow My Plan will be complete! Creepy laughter!
What a time for my printer ink cartridge to run out.
Somehow managed to acquire four bottles of bubbly in the last 24 hours. Not fancy bubbly, mind you, more for celebrating it being Tuesday.
Can not sleep. This is getting old.
Russian food at Crossroads after finding a Xmas present, watching people play chess and Magic.
Lesson about flu shots everybody in this house has learned the hard way this week: pick the side you don't sleep on.
Trying cocktail grapefruit. Size like orange, looks like pummelo, tastes like Mandarin orange. Missing all the best things about grapefruit.
Feeling clever for using my wok skimmer to separate the crumbs out of my bowl of Cinnamon Life cereal.
Spent embarrassing amount of time whining about lack of nearby place to buy a book before realizing could buy it as ebook to read on iPhone.
Happy, I just found $25 in iTunes money I thought was missing.
The cold I thought I was finally over has just arrived for real.
Bought three packages of Peppermint Joe-Joe's and was strongly encouraged by the cashier to buy more before they are gone. Might go back.
Ate my very first Mother's iced animal cookie. Spent whole time at UCU being told I just missed Alicia, whom I never did find.
Making a note of sugar filled cure for my sore throat: Odwalla C Monster and Peanut Butter Cup ice cream. And pie.
Just quit my job!
At what point does it stop being "trying to catch up" and just become "the way my life is"?
Sick. Either got it from playing princesses with a child (worth it) or touching things at the video rental store (not worth it).
Wondering if Crate and Barrel finials will fit on Target curtain rods.


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