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@chickenlittle Not me. I'm sending an email to UF in the morning.
it's cancer. f*ck.
First Kelly shows up out of nowhere, now I get to have a conversation with Skippy the Hippy. Damn--thank you, Facebook
@kaguilar13 meant to say "Welcome" but somehow that came out wronky
@kaguilar13 Remember to the entertaining world of nonproductivity
A surprise email yesterday from a friend I haven't been in contact with in ten years. My week is improving mightily.
@FarkerPeaceboy Gmail: we're working on it.
@chickenlittle Okay, that made me snort
@Im_X1 I was really, really wishing I WAS asleep. Instead, it was dog-butt duty. Don't ask.
Gmail is like coffee. I don't really think about it too much until I can't have it, then I freak out and crave it.
For years I used to spend all my time seeking my own path. Finally realized that finding a path was easy. Walking that path...that's hard.
Priority 1 this weekend: script. Priority 2: monitor the dog. Priority 3: See Priority 1
Website: done. Resume: done. Annoying HR managers nationally: done. It's on, biatches is finally, mercifully done. Now to edit the mofo
Layoffs today at work. Hate to go into a weekend on that note, but at least it wasn't me.
After being sleep-deprived for two days, I'm slower than molasses and stumbling around. The solution? Leave work early, movie, Newcastle
You are not allowed to listen to political commentary while operating heavy machinery. It's a clear violation of OSHA
10 days in California. 1 graduation, 1 wedding, 1 dinner with friends, 3 business meetings and 243 miles on a Harley. Beautiful.
Damn I cannot wait for a thunderstorm. That's the only downside to winter. No big, booming, window-shaking thunderstorms


Justine Alex Payne Jules Alexa Melissa Maples Chris Pirillo Wil Wheaton Jessica Fritsche Spaz joe peacock Genevieve Chappell Christine Mark Davidson SeaFeline VictoriaLane kaguilar13 Brent wwjdfakb matt ku_no_ichi mark1davidson HPZ Horror 101 Mark Twomey FarkerPeaceboy Tricia DrewCurtis