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raydawg88's freakin snowing in Austin. It was like 70degrees yesterday....WTF? Texas is crazy!
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so my pops just got into austin, and doan made him some amazing slow cooked's gonna be a good night.
@tophmiller2 Did he give you some knowledge, and you bought him some shoes?
@ilovemypitbull I feel your pain. At our loft in Cali, we had to have about 10 people towed in a 4 month period. Annoying!
@tiabla Don't you worry...I'll be here to retell your stories to the children....I just hope they don't get too scared of you.
The internet just isn't as fun unless @ambertia is around :(
13.5 hours later and we are finally in Austin. What a day.
Just touched down in Dallas. Now get to wait an hour before our hour long flight to Austin. Long freakin day.
@tiabla well now I know what I'm doing this weekend.
@beaulebens not sure why it happens...but there is never a dull moment shen you roll with us :)
On a flight to Dallas...there for an hour then finally to Austin. At least I hope so.
Missed the flight to 2 minutes. Now no idea what is to come. Good times
@tiabla San francisco fog. Gotta love black Friday.
Finally made it to San fran...but pretty sure we are going to miss Austin flight
Awesome...we are sitting on the runway...they say we will for at least an hour. FUCK
On a packed full...delayed...plane heading to San fran. Lots of crabby peeps
Happy freakin turkey day...well I don't get turkey...we are rockin the duck this year. Regardless have a good one.
@guav I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that since it's still a bus for 4 hours it's still gonna suck. Just sayin


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