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ODed on sugar today.
is baking little "sun" cupcakes for Kid's "sharing day" at school tomorrow.
is out of silver. I hate being out of silver!
is ready for more coffee and lounging.
is worried her poor abused Sansa is on its way out.
@sherina Giant hair. Even in the 80s, there was just no call for that.
had the best class today. I *freaking love* karate.
@kreative2009 Thanks for the offer! I will probably start with the freebie VistaPrints first, tho, due to impoverishment.
handed out her url scribbed on scrap paper three times in the last two days. I need business cards.
Oh, wow, it's time for the 1pm tantrum! Where are my earmuffs?
succumbed to a horrid McNugget craving, only to find they didn't give me the sauce. SON OF A
@lindsayu83 Congrats on the new job!
loves goat yogurt. I'm gonna call it, "goatgurt."
It is very hard to wake up when it is still dark.
thinking about hitting Starbucks. I think I deserve it.
is officially overloaded on things to worry about. Toxic mold? I give up.
Where is @dreamalynn?
is developing a really bad mood.
has a mold guy in the house, telling her how toxic her moldy attic is. Yay.
@writerchaz Apparently it's not the "real" Wegmans.


Mark Coates Lynda Karla kat M Dreama jade Big Bad Wolf Sherry Osborne J.M. Dodd Yukon Heather Powell beantree Lili Rachel Carrie Dave Tepper Robin Kathy Angie Whitney Andrea chel Janet Shauna tom Lara mynx Jennifer Ibex67 Kerry Kelly Johannes Krause Scott unknownX2
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