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twitter and tell me what you thought of the episode tonight.
thanks east and west coast. we made twitter history!
Thanks for twittering with me! tune in tomorrow at 8pm on FOX for episode 3. It's FANTASTIC.
twitter and tell me what you think of this ending
bad directing moment: shuttle is taking off and no one is watching it as alex runs away.
i love that Alex is always getting to places late. after mr bright has snap shut his satchel.
tomorrows episode? more shovel! not really but tune in tomorrow at 8pm!!
bill. shovel to the face! never ends!
thumbs are killing me!
lots of shots in drive are "one-ers" meaning a whole scene is one shot. this adds energy and movement when done well
Hoping everyone is hanging in there. Wondering if this show is as fun to watch as it is to make.
shovel fight!
the truck driver is played by Paul Ben Victor who played VINTAGE Bobby Hobbes on the Invisible Man. Which I directed.
tired skid mark is black paint! hi tech!
The car to car shots are a visual signature of DRIVE. We've worked hard to invent car shots not seen before on TV
The camera is used to connect all these people racing who are still not fully aware of each other.
car to car shots are made by our VFX company ZOIC and we wanted the camera to move like it would on the ground during the stedi-cam scenes.
bills gotten a wrench a smack a boot a konk. and its not done!
4th time bill has been konked.
i love the idea that anyone can be IN the race around you. or working FOR the race. right under your nose.


Evan Williams Dom Sagolla Blaine Cook Lisa Pete Hopkins Wayne Sutton nanek caroline enoch choi Paul Terry Walhus Ian palmsolo Jay Hiten Shah James Young Jason Calacanis Elmo MJackson Sam Dal Monte mdy Joost Schuur Melyssa L. wyclif Gary Justine Robert Prather Jessica Heidi Miller Kaushik Mohan Rice Michael Newby Erik Tom Coates David Pitkin Kristin Pishdadi Marc Orchant
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