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is watching xxxHolic on Hulu.
only uses Twitter to update his facebook status anymore.
is wondering if he's sleepy enough to take a nap.
@pvponline <form style="text-align: left"></form> is the quickie way.
@MagnoliaPearl Pokemon yaoi: yup, right there, two words I would have paid money to have never seen butted up next to each other. :)
is full of bagel poop.
@zapnap once i stopped paying attention to the private website setup thingie, and just used syncdocs, it all fell into place. but yeah.
@djcoffman all dogs seem to prefer cat food. my vet tells me it's higher in fats and sugars. and very bad for dogs, especially their teeth.
is amused by the lengths one has to go to to use ComicZeal for the iPod Touch.
"A greater sense of peril was engendered by one of Fred Sanford's heart attacks." -- Tom Spurgeon on Finan Crisis.
@warrenellis I sometimes think the same thing about that "God hates fags" church.
is worry-free.
Is bedbound
@LJonte here y'go. here's two.
is about to get up from the couch and go get the cookies out of the kitchen.
Is waiting for shwarma
Got a haircut today. Only my second one since moving to NYC (and the first was on day 2 of my life here).