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Is hanging out with his compadres and goddaughter. She is the cutest person in the world.
Which do you prefer- being made to pick out the gift someone gives you, or being surprised? I really prefer the 2nd
Just noticed that it's 76F in Hilo right now. If I can just find a job there...... I'll be on my way.
is prepping The Instance #131, recording live in a few minutes, and watching Scott draw here:
Today is words to live by? Here are mine: eliminate guilt. Don't accept it from anyone. Don't dole it out.
Is at the 50th birthday party of this magnificent individual:
Just fell asleep and had a dream with a title - The Day The Earth Stood Superstill. I've not seen the movie, though.
Is marveling at the gorgeous full moon rise. Wish I'd gotten a picture of it. At first, it was huge!
Is watching UFC Fight For The Troops on SpikeTV.
found it very weird that it was 70F and sunny at noon today, and it is now snowing. I should post picture proof.
is pounding out The Instance #130, set to start recording in about an hour here:
Nothing completes the experience of staying in a cheap hotel like turning on the shower and brown water comes out.
Just had excellent impromptu lunch with @coverville at Hops. Strangely, no kangaroo or rabbit meat on the menu.
Wishing a happy Thanksgiving to you, and high hopes that all you have to be thankful for grows and flourishes in the future.
I just filled up my gas tank for $18! It's a miracle from the 90s. I wish I had $8000 and a 5000 gallon tank. And then all that times ten.
Driving along, listening to CDs that @Zewt made for me. Can't say enough nice things about her. She's good people.
Loves it when the leaves turn bright burnt red.
is recording The Instance #129 live with @extralife.
always heard: "Mind the pennies and the dollars will take care of themselves."
wondering: Why does the LOTRO expansion box look a lot like the WOTLK box? Shouldn't Moria be red and dark, rather than blue and icy?


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