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Helium: Network security is important. Whether you're your own boss or are working for an empl..
srsly - this place has snakes and possums, Ghostie has never dealt with either b4. A night outside would result in a trip to the vet.
found a way to stop Ghostie Cat obsessing over the door being closed at night - water spray bottle. Ghostie now too busy washing. *grin*
wordpress: Like Earth,"mostly harmless." Very Adamsesque
everytime I reload twitter and get a whole pageful of someone's robotweets, they get unfollowed... time to go @chrisabraham...
Facebook: Ted is relaxing after dinner. Might be an early night for me.
Helium: You've just got home, you're exhausted. And you (and perhaps a partner and child or ch..
Facebook: Ted has *real* broadband! (Jumps around and turns a few somersaults.) ZOMG! Pages load in under two minutes!
Ah - shut down due to a sale, back soon -
Wait - Pownce is gone? (Puts on his mourning jacket.) IMO it was better than the Finnish one, how unfair.
looks for Pownce homepage.
@miyori Happy birthday!
@krissyb and this is the second day of summer...
Facebook: Ted almost 150Mb bandwidth used in just over one day.
@Fifikins reload Twitter? I just tried it and it worked.
Facebook: Ted is sitting outside, FINALLY enjoying mobile broadband speed. And ADSL gets connected 3rd December, yay!
Facebook: Ted was blank.
Funny Quote of the Day - W. C. Fields - "I cook with wine, sometimes I even add it to the food."
@keg - evaproation is a bitch hey? My 2001 cab sav just evaporated... %(
hasn't had as much wine as @keg, no indeed...


Biz Stone Scott Beale John Tropea Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Doug Haslam Jim Long Shanti Braford Lachlan Hardy cwl Kitta Jonathon Michael Newby Hickensian Maura Chace Candice  C.C. Chapman Paul Boag Jessica Michael Specht Krissy that grum guy! Sarah Gary Barber drew robinson Christopher Clark Simone Nick Cowie Ben Ward Nithya Loui Zoot Status Updates Emily astaa Phillip Molly Malone
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