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@dougwilliams Did Judd Hirsch's credit card get stolen at Coogan's? Isn't that their shtick?
I can no longer stomach Mint's blog. I thought the point of PFM tools was to take responsibility for your own finances, not blame others.
I just spelled "could" as "cood." I think that's a sign.
@itsjustbrent "produced by multi-platinum producers The Neptunes & Kanye West and features the Neptunes on the bulk of the production"
@morrischris -- It's hard to go wrong with help from The Neptunes
Had to mix in some decaf to top off the pot of coffee this morning, and it shows. (I almost just spelled "shows" as "shoes").
@morrischris (sorry, added an extra 's' the first time) -- Common any good?
@morrisschris -- Any good?
Kelly's sick, which makes nights difficult. Hope the dr. can give her a magic pill!
@creeme - Persistent, yes. Consistent, no -- at least not for us. Serves as a good wake up call for late night server work, though!
@creeme You mean that doesn't stop after the first month?
@denisewymore and @robrutkowski - Shame on you, indeed. Check it out on -- all episodes are on there legal and free.
@RobRutkowski -- played by the ever-talented Scott Baio
@RobRutkowski -- Arrested Development reference. Bob Loblaw was the character -- Bob Loblaw Law Blog was his blog
@RobRutkowski: Did Bob Loblaw make the list?
@sharistorm You now share a birthday with my niece, who was born about an hour ago!
My little sister is having a baby today. I'm excited for her!
@dougwilliams -- man I love that smell. Glad it didn't cause major damage though.
@dougwilliams wow no kidding. Cause any damage?


Geoffrey Grosenbach Brad Garland Brent Dixon Charlie Trotter Scott Chacon Ross Graham Jesse Robbins Mark McSpadden Doug Williams sharistorm Denise Wymore Jason Knight Larry Hooper William Azaroff Doug True Trey Reeme Kelly Dean Craig Scott Baldwin Rob Rutkowski Gene Blishen Dan Veasey Team Little Guy Christopher Lyndee Bennett Brandon Ferguson Andrea Powell Tim McAlpine Bruce Geiger George Hofheimer Geoffrey Dagley Active Reload Dave Woodward Elph Morgan Open Source CU
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