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@camcavers we were wondering where it was coming from and I was turning my eye to the print shop... bet they are doing "special" xmas cards
it smells like toxic adhesive in our office building, ew
just got back from super convenient yet expensive gym I am trying out. of course I love it. but can I afford it? hmmm..
@mezzoblue have you been looking at my cousin's FB pages again? :)
moved my desk, admiring the new view. hoping ti will shed 'new light' on my work. heh
debating my next move: client work or literally move my desk? choices
@stevemynett no many holiday parties to attend and I must pace myself! but I may change my mind
@stevemynett we will see... i've been v. busy lately, and early nights are a must!
at work on a Sunday. Reminding myself how much I Do Love Design. Makes it not so bad to be here.
my Berry Stella is so-so, but my cinnamon dolce latte with say is Puuurfect!
@stevemynett i will be there, wanna get together before? Cascade Lounge @ 6:30pm?
back at my desk in Vancouver. Must figure out how to do more travelling & teaching in the new year, it was fun!
Course breaking for lunch. Should I go shopping?
Course progressing well. Ben's talking about IA and BA differences. Interesting
@brianleroux The Advil is sitting on the counter in the bathroom. Good Luck!
@genmon the sight is more fantastic than could be imagined! Will you brand them?!?
listening to my co-workers spaz over systems issues. good times!
@applecran and Sears is right across the street, also a good selection


veen Scott Fegette Andrew Crow Tara missrogue Hunt Dan Cederholm Tantek Çelik Derek Featherstone Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Matt Webb kris krug Malarkey Stef. Ma.gnolia Twitterrific rstevens Ben Skelton Adaptive Path xnoɹǝʃ uɐıɹq Roland Tanglao David Brent nick bouton Joni Rustulka Dave Shea Damiano Vukotic ArtsHub Owen Geronimo Mallory O'Connor metonym Ponzi Pirillo Andre Charland Alex Torrance Dan Smith Warren Frey Trendio P Ho Yan Leung