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Skye Jethani aka @outofur asks some very Culture Making-ish questions today . . .
If you're on a Mac and you don't have LaunchBar, you're missing one of the coolest things going. Now it's even cooler.
@jasonclark Bummer statistic, but if your theory (secular/consumer/postXn) applies, why wouldn't Sweden occupy that spot? Just thinking ...
Really encouraging time tonight with my extended family. Now on the way home thinking deep thoughts about childhood, growing up, and grace.
Traveling to Atlanta today to mourn and give thanks for my uncle, Thomas Hawkins. Requiescat in pace.
@Davoh Ouch. I have a feeling I know *exactly* what you're feeling. I should tell you about Andy's summer of 2008 sometime.
"By the glowing ember / I shut out the bleak-tombed evenings of November." Or December, as the case may be.
@GregAtkinson Unfortunately I don't know of a Dallas group right now . . . but if you start one I'll spread the word!
It's Friday night, and I'm introducing my son to one of the funniest things ever recorded:
I had such a wonderful vacation about a year ago. Oh, wait, it was last week actually.
@jmalec No! You are NOT dining in Paris nor meandering through Morocco. You are in The Matrix! Escape now while there is still time!
Just had 2 great phone calls. 1) How fan fiction applies to Xn faith communities. 2) Why God loves dirty churches. Now back to work. :)
International Justice Mission is now twittering, with the incomparable Bethany Hoang behind the scenes @ijminstitute ...make it 6,000,001 :)
Twitter has 6M users. ∴ 294M+ Americans aren't Twitterers. Please, hip church leaders, do not browbeat your audiences for not using it.
Anyone want to join a Culture Making discussion group in Austin TX? I'll put you in touch with the supercool Adam Langley, who's starting it
O'Hare, how little I love thee.
Hilarious! @LOCCITANE me suive en Twitter! Guess the metrosexual moment was worth it.
Tomorrow: fly, teach a class, lead a meeting, speak to a fancy dinner. There is no way I can be appropriately dressed for all of the above.
Probably should have phrased that teaser better. What would comments make possible? what would they make impossible or more difficult? etc.
What good are comments on weblogs? Should we have them on Cultural artifact of the week!


Jubilee Jason Clark Twitterrific alissa Alan Jacobs Charlie Park Will Samson jamescham Anne Jackson Simon Fowler Catalyst Almerica scott calgaro pattondodd jmalec billdenzel Sally Sampson Craft Christianity Today Steve Hayner KellyHughes Dave O'Hara Andy Rowell Daniel Kirk bethanyhoang BrianHowell IJM JusticeCampaigns Jose Reyes fakejohnpiper helvetireader ijminstitute IJMHQ