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Snow!? RT: @KeviKev said: Home safe. Preparing to hunker down, shelter in place, & otherwise deal with the Great Houston Blizzard of '08. :p
@glenbot i have always had fair treatment from
@zephoria Congrats! you worked hard and thank u for letting us share some of the experience. We didn't have any doubt.
nursing good soreness from acting like construction worker all weekend. chop saw, nail guns & sheetrock lift were toys to help restoration
@brandius - i'm scared, but feeling a little bravado in my voice. I CAN go without wifi for 24 hours! (small voice inside not so brave)
planning weekend trip out to boonies of Central Texas. Just notifed there is no wifi and cell phone is spotty. EEek?
thankful for family, chosen family, health, good food smells, meaningful work, and blessed to share it all with loving partner.
I am with @sevatt, made homemade cranberry sauce last night. Had to taste test of course! Cans don't rate the same anymore.
for all that were worried, including @singaporegrrl, I made it back from grocery store safely. feeling rather happy and thankful!
headed to the grocery store, if I don't come back.... ?
Tootie Pie is my only consolation @hughf3 and @cwbuchanan. yeah, i am prolly going to Central Market.
and there it is... gmail themes. sweetness.
Retweeting @eloy: Cheat sheet for webdevelopers. Awesome!
thinking of @cwbuchanan this morning. take time to enjoy good memories & let it wash over u. i sat bedside wiith mom when she left. much luv
cooking steel cut oats to fuel a big day.
Wow, does red wine just taste so much better on a friday night? yumm.
filling out forms at Dr. ofc. really hate HIPAA, is this really necessary?
quick lessons from @eloy @eeburrah and @brandius. I need a bigger suitcase & fatter pipe
New post on Rightsizing your life and letting go of Stuff -
reading @thebrandbuilder and subscribing to feed for web marketing goodness.


Biz Stone danah boyd Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Thomas Vander Wal WDavidStephenson Dave Winer Alex Hillman   christine Beth Kanter Brian Solis Tantek Çelik Robert Scoble photomatt giovanni Eloy Zuniga Jr. Cody Marx Bailey Catherine Juon Hugh MacLeod    Erica OGrady Rakesh Agrawal Kelsey Ruger             whurley meangrape Stephen Anderson fest mob Ike Pigott Connie Reece Marc Nathan Paul Stamatiou microformats Melissa Eric A. Meyer Todd Defren Fake Henry Rollins
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