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plotting the murder of every grad student hanging out having conversations just outside my doorless office.
Finished the IACUC annual report. Whew.
thinking of switching to Google Reader. Grrrr.
@Mary_H don't worry, I didn't write all those words today! But yes, definitely feeling the pressure...
4242 words on New Manuscript, and just sent it to coauthor. Now I'm going to try to work on another MS.
Working at home today, trying to finish rough draft of MS to send to coauthor. Also doing laundry, of course.
@jodicampbell just on the national list
@Mary_H no, just to get on list for general donation. thinking about it bc someone in the dept is getting transplant. Yay, def give John #!!
@Geeka well that's disappointing!
thinking about becoming a bone marrow donor... maybe.
Just sent 13th job application.
It's Friday! And I'm working at home today! Woo hoo!
Hungover but happy... and so pleased to have helped turn a red state blue!
What a great night. Still waiting for my state to turn blue, after they finish counting the votes from my precinct!! How exciting.
DUDE. It looks like my vote might really count this year. They still haven't called my state, and they're still counting my county.
On my way to an election party where I will drink large quantities regardless of outcome. Bringing champagne, though.
aaarggghhh cannot take the tension
I just voted for Obama in #TwitVote --
polls don't close for hours, so really I should be able to focus on writing. Right?
Just submitted a previously rejected paper to another journal.


Leslie Madsen-Brooks Innisfree Maryanne New Kid JustMe Breena Ronan Chaser Geeka Styleygeek Addy N. Image Goddess Repressed Librarian twelvecats Kelly Dr. Bad Ass Lina Uncool Billie Hara TXPoppet PZ Myers AliceAcademic Mary H Anita Caroline Disgruntled Julie drschweitzer Scrivenings Mamabeek terminaldegree Karen Cornetto eliserobinson Traci Anderson Mandy Jansen Jodi Campbell burrow Eva G jo(e)