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@Tinu Now I know what to get all the kids for Christmas!
Times are tough, but you can get through them by thinking like a bootstrapper.
Has anyone used Amazon Mechanical Turk for simple web research? Interested to hear experiences.
What 1 thing can you do today to move closer to your desired life? Write an article? Make a phone call? Just 5 minutes is a start.
@yarostarak According to my Singaporean college roomate you can also sweat.
It's 5am, been awake since 2. Might as well blog, eh?
I just joined the travel Twitter Group and you can too. Please Retweet.
@AndyParkinson Not a fan. To me .org should be reserved for charitable purposes.
How do you feel about your life's direction right now? Joyful? Do you have a pit in your stomach? What 1 thing can you do to fix that today?
@problogger Right now I use Twitter as a supplement to RSS, but I could see it becoming more of a source for me over time.
@NewWrldYankee Flashpacking, for when extreme minimalism just isn't good enough!
I'm looking for a desktop blogging app for a Mac. I love Windows LiveWriter on my PC. Any suggestions?
@eMom Nah. Many, many worse have come out of Chicago!
Today I will take one small step to move closer to my desired life. Then I'm going to go help needy kids buy gifts for their families!
I've started the painful process of replacing IWantSandy. See initial, unsatisfying results here:
A New Year's Resolution Thought: If you really want to do it (your resolution), why don't you take one small step toward it RIGHT NOW?
@leawoodward Agreed. Boingo just isn't worth the $$ most of the time. If only all airports had free wifi!
@terawoz Thanks! I'm learning a lot about attachment and suffering. The Buddha would be pleased!
@terawoz I do use Gcal and just started with RTM plug-in. It's okay, just doesn't have the anthropomorphism of Sandy. I'll miss her smile :)


Jason Drohn John Jantsch Heather Carpenter Darren Rowse Wendy Piersall Scott McWilliams Remember The Milk Peter Shankman Jason Prance Maki Suzie Cheel Ed Dale Patrick Curl Dan Raine Robert Somerville Nez Allie Ghaman CourtneyEngle Tinu Abayomi-Paul Rob Mowery Southwest Airlines Jason Moffatt Andreas Hassellöf VRBooker Reginald Sinevet Warwick Foster Lea Woodward patrick benruco skellie David Bergquist tjtrapp briancary hashtags univisions David Rogers
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